UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 082119


Document Type Date Description
Letter 07/09/2014 Letter to Steve King on behalf of CenturyLink from Mark Reynolds RE: Discontinuation of compliance filings pursuant to paragraph 50 of Order 05. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 07/10/2014)
Compliance 10/21/2013 Redacted annual report of the estimated costs and synergy saving associated with the CenturyTel/Embarq merger, pursuant to Paragraph 50 of Order 05, on behalf of CenturyLink, from Mark Reynolds.
Compliance 10/19/2012 Redacted annual report of the estmated costs and synergy savings associated with the merger on behalf of CenturyLink from Mark reynolds. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 10/22/2012)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/11/2012 Highly Confidential Agreement of Roger Hahn on behalf of Staff from Sally Brown.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/11/2012 Confidentiality Agreement of Roger Hahn on behalf of Staff from Sally Brown.
Compliance 12/09/2011 Compliance with paragraph 101 of Order No. 05 on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest, CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., CenturyTel of Inter Island, Inc., and CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc., from Mark Reynolds. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 12/12/2011)
Confidentiality Agreement 11/08/2011 Highly Confidential Agreement of Sally Brown on behalf of Staff from Sally Brown.
Confidentiality Agreement 11/08/2011 Confidentiality Agreement of Sally Brown on behalf of Staff from Sally Brown.
Confidentiality Agreement 11/07/2011 Highly Confidential Agreement of Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement 11/07/2011 Confidentiality Agreement of Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Motion 11/04/2011 CenturyLink's Motion for Extension and Deferral of Requirements in Accordance with Condition 3 of the Settlement Agreement in Docket No. UT-100820 on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest and CenturyTel, Inc., from Lisa A. Anderl. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 11/07/2011)
Compliance 11/03/2011 Redacted Compliance with Paragraph 50 on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest from Lisa A. Anderl, RE: Amended 2010 and 2011 reports. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 11/08/2011)
Compliance 10/18/2011 Redacted Compliance with Paragraph 50 on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest and CenturyTel, Inc., from Lisa A. Anderl, RE: Annual report of the estimated costs and synergy savings. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 10/19/2011)
Compliance 07/13/2011 Compliance with Condition 11, "Milestone Reporting" on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest and CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., from Mark Reynolds. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 7/14/2011)
Compliance 06/13/2011 Compliance filing on behalf of CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., from Mark Reynolds, RE: Condition No. 11, Major System Conversion Advance Notice. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 6/14/2011)
Compliance 01/31/2011 Redacted Broadband Improvement Progress Report on behalf of CenturyLink of Washington, Inc., from Mary Taylor. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 2/01/2011)
Compliance 12/14/2010 Compliance filing on behalf of CenturyLink of Washington, Inc., from Calvin K. Simshaw, RE: Dividend Trigger Declaration. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 12/15/2010)
Compliance 11/12/2010 Redacted Replacement Synergy Report on behalf of CenturyLink of Washington, Inc., from Calvin K. Simshaw. (scanned & posted)
Compliance 10/29/2010 Redacted annual report on the costs and synergy savings associated with the CenturyTel-Embarq merger on behalf of CenturyLink of Washington, Inc., from Calvin K. Simshaw. (scanned & posted)
Compliance 07/01/2010 Redacted Annual Report of Progress on Broadband Improvement on behalf of CenturyLink from Mary Taylor. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 7/02/2010)
Compliance 05/19/2010 Compliance filing on behalf of CenturyLink from Mary Taylor, RE: Milestone Reporting of notice that is being sent to users of CenturyLink's wholesale ordering system for local interconnection services. (via web portal)
Compliance 03/15/2010 Compliance filing on behalf of CenturyLink from Mary Taylor, RE: Milestone Reporting of notice that is being sent to users of CenturyLink's wholesale ordering system. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/21/2009 Divident Payment Report on behalf of CenturyLink from Calvin K. Simshaw. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 12/22/2009)
Compliance 09/25/2009 Letter to David Danner from Mary Taylor on behalf of CenturyLink, RE: Advance written notice of the conversion from Embarq's PeopleSoft System to CenturyTel's SAP application solution platform. (via web portal)
Letter 07/24/2009 Letter to William Weinman from Trim Grigar on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq and CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., RE: introduction as the Vice President and General Manager for the combined company within the state of Washington. (scanned & posted)
Exhibit 07/21/2009 Exhibits B-1 - B-5, JT-1 - JT-8, GCB-1T, GCB-2 HCT, MAG-1T, MAG-2, MAG-3T, BCY-1T, BCY-2T, TRR-1 HCT, TRR-2, BAE-1 HCT, BAE-2 HC, BAE-3, BAE-4, WHW-1 T, and WHW-2 admitted.
Order - Other 07/14/2009 Order 06 - Denying Motion for Clarification of Order 05.
Note to File 06/15/2009 June 15, 2009 - Announcement of Name and Logo of Combined Company (CenturyLink)
Motion 06/05/2009 Motion for Clarification of Order 05 on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 6/08/2009)
Transcript 06/03/2009 Transcript Volume 2; May 19, 2009; Pages 24-132.
Order - Final 05/28/2009 Order 05 - Final Order Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement; Authorizing Transaction Subject to Conditions; Rescinding Order 03; Approving and Rejecting Side-Agreements; Granting and Denying Pending Requests for Leave to Withdraw; Dismissing Party.
Response 05/22/2009 Response to Bench Request No. 3 on behalf of CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., and United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq, from William E. Hendricks. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 5/27/2009)
Response 05/21/2009 Redacted Joint Response to Bench Request No. 3, Letter and Certificate of Service on behalf of Public Counsel and Commission Staff from Jonathan C. Thompson.
Response 05/20/2009 Response to Bench Request No. 2 on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/ba/ Embarq and CenturyTel, Inc., from William E. Hendricks. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 5/21/2009)
Notice 05/20/2009 Notice of Bench Request (Staff and Public Counsel's response due by Thursday, May 21, 2009) (Embarq and CenturyTel's response due by Friday, May 22, 2009)
Notice 05/18/2009 Notice of Appearance of Arthur A. Butler on behalf of Level 3 Communications, LLC, from Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 5/19/2009)
Letter 05/18/2009 Letter to David Danner from Glenn Blackmon on behalf of Axxis Communications, Inc., RE: After reviewing the side agreements with two intervenors who are competitive local exchange companies, Axxis concludes that they do not result in any unfair disadvantage to Axxis. (via web portal)
Letter 05/12/2009 Letter to Chairman Jeff Goltz, Commissioner Patrick Oshie and Commissioner Phillip Jones from Glen F. Post and Tom Gerke on behalf of CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., and United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq, RE: The companies are very close to meeting their goal of concluding regulatory review of the merger. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 5/14/2009)
Exhibit 04/28/2009 Exhibits on behalf of CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., and United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq from Charles L. Best. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 4/30/2009)
Notice of Hearing 04/27/2009 Notice of Hearing (May 19, 2009, 9:30 a.m.)
Notice 04/23/2009 Notice of Commission Challenge to Assertions of Confidentiality and Determination that Confidential Designations are not Warranted; Notice of Intent to Make Documents Public (Effective May 4, 2009)
Agreement 04/22/2009 Settlement Agreement and Narrative Supporting Settlement Agreement on behalf of CenturyTel, Inc., United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq, UTC Staff and Public Counsel from William E. Hendricks. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 4/24/2009)
Response 04/16/2009 Redacted Second Amended Response to Bench Request No. 1 on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq and CenturyTel, Inc., from William E. Hendricks. (scanned & posted)
Notice 04/14/2009 Notice Suspending Procedural Schedule (Canceling Hearing Set for April 15 and 16, 2009, 9:30 a.m.)
Letter 04/14/2009 Letter on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq, CenturyTel, Inc., UTC Staff and Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley, RE: request suspension of the procedural schedule while the parties finalize a settlement agreement and supporting narrative. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 4/15/2009)
Letter 04/14/2009 Letter on behalf of Axxis Communications, Inc., from Glenn Blackmon, RE: certain side agreements between the applicants and two intervenors who are competitive local exchange companies. (via web portal)
Response 04/13/2009 Response to Notice Concerning Agenda for Hearing on behalf of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 89, from Scott J. Rubin. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 4/14/2009)
Response 04/13/2009 Redacted Second Amended Response to Bench Request No. 1 on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq and CenturyTel, Inc., from William E. Hendricks. (via e-mail)
Notice 04/08/2009 Notice Concerning Agenda for Hearing (April 15, 2009)
Exhibit 04/07/2009 Cross Examination Exhibit for Trevor Roycroft on behalf of CenturyTel, Inc., and United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq from Charles L. Best. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 4/08/2009)
Confidentiality Agreement 03/25/2009 Highly Confidential Agreement of Grace Summers on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 3/27/2009)
Confidentiality Agreement 03/25/2009 Confidentiality Agreement of Grace Summers on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 3/27/2009)
Testimony 03/18/2009 Rubuttal Testimony of Barbara C. Young and Mark A. Gast on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq from William E. Hendricks. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 3/19/09)
Testimony 03/18/2009 Redacted Rebuttal Testimony of G. Clay Bailey on behalf of CenturyTel, Inc., from Charles L. Best. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 3/19/09)
Letter 03/17/2009 Letter to Dennis Moss, ALJ, from William E. Hendricks on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq, RE: the parties to this proceeding will convene an initial settlement conference on Thursday, March 19, 2009. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 3/20/09)
Response 03/13/2009 Redacted Amended Response to Bench Request No. 1 on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a Embarq and CenturyTel, Inc., from William E. Hendricks. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 3/16/2009)
Response 03/11/2009 Redacted Response to Bench Request No. 1 on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley. (scanned & posted)
Testimony 03/04/2009 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits of Trevor R. Roycroft on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 3/05/2009)
Testimony 03/04/2009 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits of Betty A. Erdahl and Testimony and Exhibit of William H. Weinman, Letter and Certificate of Service on behalf of Staff from Jonathan C. Thompson.
Notice 03/03/2009 Notice of Bench Request 1 (Due by Tuesday, March 10, 2009)
Document 02/27/2009 Redacted Supplemental Filing In Support Of Comcast Phone Of Washington, LLC's Motion For Permission To Withdraw on behalf of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Aaron D. Hottell. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 3/02/2009)
Motion 02/26/2009 Motion to Withdraw of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 89, from Scott J. Rubin. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 3/02/2009)
Response 02/24/2009 Response to Comcast's Motion for Permission to Withdraw, Letter and Certificate of Service on behalf of Staff from Jonathan C. Thompson.
Notice 02/19/2009 Notice of Receipt of Filing
Letter 02/19/2009 Letter on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley, AAG, RE: Parties are now in agreement on the format and content of the notice containing the additions. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 2/20/2009)
Motion 02/17/2009 Motion of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC for Permission to Withdraw from Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 2/18/2009)
Letter 02/17/2009 Letter on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah H. Shifley, RE: postpone the initial settlement conference. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 2/17/2009)
Letter 02/17/2009 Letter on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley, AAG, RE: Parties have been unable to reach agreement on the notice and will be asking the Commission to resolve the outstanding issues. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 2/18/2009)
Order - Other 02/12/2009 Order 04 - Denying Motion to Dismiss or, in the Alternative to Suspend Procedural Schedule
Response 02/09/2009 Response to IBEW's Motion to Dismiss, Letter and Certificate of Service on behalf of Staff from Jonathan C. Thompson.
Response 02/09/2009 Response of CenturyTel, Inc., and Embarq Corporation to IBEW's Motion to Dismiss from Charles L. Best. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 2/12/2009)
Response 02/09/2009 Public Counsel's Response to IBEW's Motion to Dismiss, or in the Alternative, to Suspend the Procedural Schedule, from Sarah A. Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 2/10/2009)
Order - Other 02/09/2009 Order 03 - Granting Leave to Withdraw.
Confidentiality Agreement 02/09/2009 Highly Confidential Agreement of Charles L. Best on behalf of CenturyTel, Inc., from Charles L. Best. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 2/11/2009)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/09/2009 Confidentiality Agreement of Charles L. Best on behalf of CenturyTel, Inc., from Charles L. Best. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 2/11/2009)
Motion 01/29/2009 Motion to Dismiss Or, in the Alternative, Motion to Suspend Procedural Schedule on behalf of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 89, from Scott J. Rubin. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 1/30/2009)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/23/2009 Highly Confidential Agreement for Trevor R. Roycroft and Stephen G. Hill on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 1/26/09)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/23/2009 Confidentiality Agreements for Trevor R. Roycroft and Stephen G. Hill on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah A. Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 1/26/2009)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/21/2009 Confidentiality Agreement for Andrew D. Fisher on behalf of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Susan Arellano, Assistant to Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 1/22/2009)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/20/2009 Highly Confidential Agreements for Simon ffitch, Sarah Shifley, Mary Kimball, Stefanie Johnson, Lea Daeschel, Carol Williams, Linda Borla, Diane Campbell, Kim Lon and Aimee Coe, on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 1/21/2009)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/20/2009 Confidentiality Agreements for Simon ffitch, Sarah Shifley, Mary Kimball, Stefanie Johnson, Lea Daeschel, Carol Williams, Linda Borla, Diane Campbell, Kim Lon and Aimee Coe, on behalf of Public Counsel from Sarah Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 1/21/2009)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/16/2009 Highly Confidential Agreements for Michael H. Pryor and Andrew D. Fisher on behalf of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Susan Arellano, Assistant to Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/16/2009 Confidentiality Agreement for Michael H. Pryor on behalf of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Susan Arellano, Assistant to Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal)
Transcript 01/15/2009 Transcript Volume 1, January 5, 2009, Pages 1-23.
Motion 01/15/2009 Motion to Withdraw on behalf of Level 3 Communications, LLC, from Gregory L. Rogers. (scanned & posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/15/2009 Highly Confidential Agreement for Arthur A. Butler on behalf of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 01/16/09)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/15/2009 Confidentiality Agreement for Arthur A. Butler on behalf of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 01/16/09)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/13/2009 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Timothy Zawislak, Betty Erdahl, Sharyn Bate, Robert Williamson, Rick Applegate, Jing Roth, Kristen Russell, William Weinman, Ken Elgin and Jonathan C. Thompson, on behalf of Staff from Jonathan C. Thompson.
Confidentiality Agreement 01/13/2009 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Timothy Zawislak, Betty Erdahl, Sharyn Bate, Robert Williamson, Rick Applegate, Jing Roth, Kristen Russell, William Weinman, Ken Elgin and Jonathan C. Thompson, on behalf of Staff from Jonathan C. Thompson.
Order - Protective 01/09/2009 Order 02 - Protective Order With "Highly Confidential" Provisions
Notice 01/08/2009 Correction Notice of Parties' Representatives
Notice 01/07/2009 Notice of Parties' Representatives
Order - Prehearing Conference 01/06/2009 Order 01 - Prehearing Conference Order
Notice 01/05/2009 Notice of Appearance of Scott J. Rubin on behalf of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 89, from Scott J. Rubin. (via e-mail)
Testimony 01/02/2009 Direct Testimony of G. Clay Bailey on behalf of CenturyTel, Inc., from Charles L. Best. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 1/05/2009)
Testimony 01/02/2009 Direct Testimony of Barbara Young and Mark A. Gast on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest, d/b/a Embarq Corporation, from Barbara C. Young. (via e-mail)
Notice of Hearing 12/19/2008 Notice of Scheduling Change for Prehearing Conference (Rescheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m., Monday. January 5, 2009)
Notice 12/19/2008 Notice of Appearance for Michael H. Pryor, on behalf of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Susan Arellano, Assistant to Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal)
Petition 12/17/2008 Petition to Intervene of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Susan Arellano, Assistant to Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal)
Notice 12/17/2008 Notice of Appearance for Arthur A. Butler, on behalf of Comcast Phone of Washington, LLC, from Susan Arellano, Assistant to Arthur A. Butler. (via web portal)
Petition 12/16/2008 Petition to Intervene of Level 3 Communications, LLC, from Gregory L. Rogers. (via e-mail)
Petition 12/16/2008 Petition to Intervene of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union 89, from Ray Engelhoff. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 12/17/2008)
Notice 12/09/2008 Notice of Appearance for Jonathan C. Thompson, Letter and Certificate of Service on behalf of Staff from Jonathan C. Thompson.
Notice 12/08/2008 Notice of Appearance for Sarah A. Shifley, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Sarah A. Shifley. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 12/09/08)
Notice of Hearing 12/05/2008 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for December 22, 2008, at 1:30 p.m.)
Initial Filing 11/21/2008 Initial filing on behalf of United Telephone Company of the Northwest from Charles L. Best. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 11/24/08)