Document Type | Date | Description |
Order - Other | 07/25/2012 | Order Approving Fully Negotiated Interconnection Agreement Amendment No. 2. |
Letter | 07/19/2012 | David W. Danner letter to Julie Dollemayer of PNG Telecommunications, Inc., RE: Interconnection Agreement Amendment between Frontier Communications Northwest Inc and PNG Telecommunications Inc. |
Amendment | 06/19/2012 | Second Amendment on behalf of Frontier Communications Notrhwest Inc., from Kim Douglass. (via Web Portal) |
Order - Other | 07/18/2008 | Order Granting Fully Negotiated Interconnection Agreement and Amendment No. 1. |
Initial Filing | 06/05/2008 | Initial filing on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Richard E. Potter. (scanned & posted)