Document Type | Date | Description |
Order - Final | 02/26/2009 | Order 01 Order Authorizing Revenue Sharing.
Letter | 02/20/2009 | Letter on behalf of Harold LeMay Enterprises, Inc., from David W. Wiley, RE: leave from the Commission to withdraw the request for Exemption From/Modification to WAC 480-70-351 for an Abbreviated Historical Cost Period Accounting Mechanism for Residential Recycling Customers. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 2/20/2009) |
Replacement Page | 02/19/2009 | on behalf of Harold LeMay Enterprises, Inc., from Imgard Wilcox. (via e-mail) |
Compliance | 02/19/2009 | Letter on behalf of Harold LeMay Enterprises, Inc., from Dan Schooler, RE: requesting permission to continue the revenue share portion of the agreement and retain thirty percent of the revenue from commodity sales. (via e-mail) |
Petition | 02/17/2009 | Petition for Exemption From/Modification to WAC 480-70-351 for an Abbreviated Historical Cost Period Accounting Mechanism for Residential Recycling Customers on behalf of Harold LeMay Enterprises, Inc., from David W. Wiley. (via e-mail) |
Compliance | 02/09/2009 | Letter on behalf of Pierce County from Stephen C. Wamback, RE: Pierce County has reviewed the performance of Harold LeMay Enterprises dba Pierce County Refuse under the recycling plan developed for Pierce County's Single-Cart Recycling Program. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 2/13/2009) |
Initial Filing | 01/15/2009 | Initial filing on behalf of Harold LeMay Enterprises, Inc., from Imgard Wilcox. (via e-mail)