UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 090516

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UW-090516
Company Cristalina L.L.C.
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Water (160)
Status Closed
Lead Staff White, Amy (UTC)
Filed Date 04/08/2009
Effective Date 06/01/2009
Summary This item will be heard at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, September 12, 2014, in the Commission’s hearing Room 206. Staff's request to amend or revoke Order 01, which approved a $32 per month surcharge to finance a $555,500 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan.

Event History

  • 09/23/2014 -- Close (per consolidation order)
  • 09/23/2014 -- Consolidate - Child
  • 09/19/2014 -- Allowed (Disposition: Commissioner Goltz moved to: 1) In Docket UW-141301, that the commission approve the transfer of assets of Cristalina LLC, to Washington Water Services Company under the terms and conditions set forth in the Asset Acquisition Agreement dated June 9, 2014, as modified by this motion, and that the commission approve an acquisition adjustment for Washington Water Service Company to capitalize for rate base all State Revolving Fund loan payments owed by Cristalina LLC, to be made by Washington Water Service Company, for which Washington Water Service Company has not received funds from Cristalina LLC or its customers; subject to the following three conditions: a. The owner of Cristalina, LLC, Ms. Maria Lindberg will pay, over a period of not exceeding three years, the sum of $12,700.00 to Washington Water Service Company. That is to be pursuant to a payment plan agreed to by Washington Water Service Company, and Washington Water Service Company shall book that to “Contributions in Aid of Construction.” b. All of the surcharge receipts received by Cristalina, LLC, prior to the date of the transfer shall be deposited in a separate account and then paid over to the Public Works Board. c. Washington Water Service Company shall, in the first billing cycle after the transfer is complete, place the Cristalina customers on the same rate schedules as the Washington Water Service customers. 2) In Docket UW-140820, the commission suspends the penalty assessment against Maria K. Lindberg. That penalty shall be mitigated in full if the condition 1a above is not met within the three years. 3) In Docket UW-132013, the commission dismiss the complaint against Cristalina LLC. 4) In each of those dockets and in Docket UW-090516, the commission denies staff’s motions that were filed recently and were considered at this morning’s open meeting. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0) )
  • 09/11/2014 -- Open Meeting (NOTE: This item will be heard on September 12, 2014, at 9 a.m. in the Commission's Hearing room, Room 206.)
  • 08/20/2014 -- Re-open (Per email request of Amy White.)
  • 05/28/2009 -- Open Meeting
  • 07/20/2010 -- Close (Closed per e-mail request of Amy White.)
  • 07/13/2010 -- Re-open
  • 05/28/2009 -- Allowed (Commissioner Jones moved to grant the request for a surcharge to service a $555,500 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan approved by the Public Works Board, subject to conditions set forth in staff's memorandum. Chairman Goltz seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0))
  • 04/08/2009 -- Open