Filing UT - 090992
Date |
File Link |
Document Type |
Description |
File Size |
09/02/2009 |
UT-090992 NOF 8-31-09.doc
Order - Final |
Notice of Finality. |
45,568 KB |
09/02/2009 |
UT-090992 NOF 8-31-09.pdf
Order - Final |
Notice of Finality. |
35,069 KB |
08/10/2009 |
Initial Order o1 Rescinding Penalty -090992.doc
Order - Initial |
Order 01 - Initial Order Rescinding $100 Penalty. |
55,296 KB |
08/10/2009 |
Initial Order o1 Rescinding Penalty -090992.pdf
Order - Initial |
Order 01 - Initial Order Rescinding $100 Penalty. |
98,146 KB |
06/29/2009 |
090992 order.doc
Penalty Assessment |
Penalty Assessment of $100 for a violation of WAC 480-120-382, which requires competitively classified telecommunications companies to furnish a complete annual report to the Commission no later than May 1 each year. |
56,320 KB |
06/29/2009 |
090992 order.pdf
Penalty Assessment |
Penalty Assessment of $100 for a violation of WAC 480-120-382, which requires competitively classified telecommunications companies to furnish a complete annual report to the Commission no later than May 1 each year. |
179,567 KB |