Filing TV - 091445
Date |
File Link |
Document Type |
Description |
File Size |
02/25/2010 |
TV-091445 NOF.doc
Order - Final |
Notice of Finality. |
45,568 KB |
02/25/2010 |
TV-091445 NOF.pdf
Order - Final |
Notice of Finality. |
34,337 KB |
02/04/2010 |
Order 01 - Initial Order 091445.pdf
Order - Initial |
Order 01 - Initial Order Approving Settlement Agreement; Mitigating Penalty to $400. |
164,195 KB |
02/04/2010 |
Order 01 - Initial Order 091445.doc
Order - Initial |
Order 01 - Initial Order Approving Settlement Agreement; Mitigating Penalty to $400. |
64,512 KB |
12/04/2009 |
ITS Penalty.pdf
Order - Other |
Penalty assessment of $900 for violations of WAC 480-15-630, which specifies how household good moving companies may issue supplemental estimates, and violations of provisions of Tariff 15-C, which identifies the rates and charges household goods companies may charge their customers, as well as the items a company must include on its estimate forms and bills of lading. |
176,577 KB |
12/04/2009 |
ITS 2009 Recheck Investigation Report.doc
Order - Other |
Penalty assessment of $900 for violations of WAC 480-15-630, which specifies how household good moving companies may issue supplemental estimates, and violations of provisions of Tariff 15-C, which identifies the rates and charges household goods companies may charge their customers, as well as the items a company must include on its estimate forms and bills of lading. |
1,800,704 KB |