UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 091751

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UW-091751
Company Camano Hills Water Company
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Water (160)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Ward, Jim (UTC)
Filed Date 11/09/2009
Effective Date 01/10/2010
Summary Consider dismissing complaint and approving revised rates to become effective February 12, 2010. The original general rate increase would have generated $40,150 (41 percent) in additional annual revenue. The revised rates would generate $24,786 (26 percent) in additional annual revenue. This filing also changes the rate design from five usage blocks to three usage blocks, and adds upsize meters. The company serves about 155 residential and upsize meter customers in Island County. The company's last general rate increase was January 1, 2007.

Event History

  • 02/11/2010 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/23/2009 -- Open Meeting
  • 02/11/2010 -- Dismissed (Commissioner Jones moved to dismiss the Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed, and approve staff recommended revised rates as filed by the company on January 26, 2010, to become effective February 12, 2010. Commissioner Oshie seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0))
  • 12/23/2009 -- Suspended (Commissioner Oshie moved to issue a Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed by the company on November 9, 2009. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0))
  • 11/09/2009 -- Open