Summary: Request for clarification and restatement of the second condition found in Order 01. On January 4, 2010 WECA petitioned the WUTC to change Rules 9 and 10 in the WECA Rules of Procedure to clarify that electronic mail may be used in addition to mail and facsimile to provide notice to persons or entities on the WECA Interested Party List. The Commission on February 11, 2010 entered Order 01 granting WECA's requested changes to Rules 9 and 10, respectively, and added two additional conditions at the request of Staff: First, that WECA maintain a public webpage to facilitate participation in its process; and second, that WECA must accept e-mail as equivalent to other approved forms of communication for all purposes. On February 19, 2010, WECA filed a request for clarification of the second condition to reflect that e-mail is not meant to replace more formal forms of communication which may be required under contract, court rules, or other settings where more formal forms of communication are appropriate.
Letter to David Danner from Craig Philips on behalf of Washington Exchange Carrier Association, RE: Implementation plan for establishing a public web page. (via e-mail)