UTC Case Docket Orders

Filing TV - 100550

Date File Link Document Type Description File Size
04/09/2015 TV100550 Granting Permanent.pdf Order - Final Order 02, Order Granting Application and Issuing Household Goods Permit HG-64060. 137,646 KB
04/09/2015 TV100550 Granting Permanent.docx Order - Final Order 02, Order Granting Application and Issuing Household Goods Permit HG-64060. 42,694 KB
04/09/2015 HG064060.pdf Order - Final Order 02, Order Granting Application and Issuing Household Goods Permit HG-64060. 16,000 KB
04/09/2015 HG064060.doc Order - Final Order 02, Order Granting Application and Issuing Household Goods Permit HG-64060. 34,585 KB
09/28/2010 TV100550 Provisional THG-64060.doc Order - Final Order 01, Order Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit. 81,920 KB
09/28/2010 THG064060.doc Order - Final Order 01, Order Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit. 57,344 KB
09/28/2010 TV100550 Provisional THG-64060.pdf Order - Final Order 01, Order Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit. 70,455 KB
09/28/2010 THG064060.pdf Order - Final Order 01, Order Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit. 21,293 KB