UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 101004


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 08/26/2010 Notice of Finality.
Order - Initial 08/05/2010 Order 01 - Initial Order Rescinding $100 Penalty
Response 08/03/2010 Staff's Response to Application for Mitigation, Declaration of Sheri Hoyt, Letter and COS, from Gregory J. Trautman.
Email 07/30/2010 E-mail on behalf of First USA Vanlines from Stephanie Coreas, RE: request to waive a hearing and request a decision be an ALJ. (vi ae-mai)
Application 07/21/2010 Amended Application for Mitigation on behalf of First USA Van Lines from Lior Oren. (via fax)
Application 07/07/2010 Application for Mitigation on behalf of First USA Vanlines, LLC, requesting a hearing for an administrative decision. (via fax)
Order - Other 06/30/2010 Penalty assessment of $100 for a violation of WAC 480-15-480, which requires household goods carriers to furnish annual reports to the Commission no later than May 1 each year.