UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 101224

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TG-101224
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Solid Waste (227)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Gomez, David (UTC)
Filed Date 07/16/2010
Effective Date 09/01/2010
Summary Lift the interim status of revenue sharing in Order 01 which authorized Revenue Sharing For Recyclable Commodities Revenue Subject to Refund and allows on a permanent basis the company to retain 50 percent of the revenue received from the sale of recyclable materials. The company provides recyclables collection service in Snohomish County for approximately 16,600 customers.

Event History

  • 12/30/2010 -- Open Meeting
  • 11/24/2010 -- Open Meeting
  • 08/26/2010 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/30/2010 -- Allowed (Allowed to become effective per the Consent Agenda.)
  • 11/24/2010 -- Deferred (Commissioner Oshie deferred action on the company's petition to lift the interim status of revenue sharing until the December 30, 2010, open meeting and issue an order authorizing the continuation of the interim status of revenue sharing for recyclable commodities, subject to refund, through December 31, 2010. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried. (3:0))
  • 11/15/2010 -- Re-open (Re-opened per e-mail from Dave Gomez via Sharepoint.)
  • 08/26/2010 -- Allowed (Commissioner Oshie moved to moved to take no action allowing the revised commodity credits filed by Waste Management of Washington, Inc. and Rabanco Ltd. (Allied Waste) to go into effect September 1, 2010, by operation of law; Allow revenue sharing to go into effect on an interim basis for three months and subject to refund; Order the companies to work with the counties (King and Snohomish) to devise a budget and subsequently petition the commission to lift the interim status of the revenue sharing would submit the budget and petition and supporting documents to staff within sixty days. The sixty days will commence running on 9/1/10.; Order the inclusion of conditions proposed by the counties; and Order retained monies not spent during the plan period be carried over into the next year or some other treatment as may be ordered by the commission. The motion carried (2:0))
  • 07/16/2010 -- Open