UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 101365

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UW-101365
Company Crosswoods Water Co., Inc.
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Water (160)
Status Closed
Lead Staff White, Amy (UTC)
Filed Date 08/11/2010
Effective Date 12/01/2010
Summary General rate increase that would generate $8,077 (23 percent) in additional annual revenue, and a $3.84 per month surcharge to finance the installation of hypochlorination treatment equipment, as required by the Department of Health. Staff and the company agreed to a revised revenue requirement of $9,531 (26.8 percent) in additional annual revenue, a revised surcharge of $3.84 per month, and revised rates. The company serves 127 customers near Oak Harbor in Island County.

Event History

  • 11/24/2010 -- Open Meeting
  • 11/01/2010 -- Effective Date
  • 11/24/2010 -- Allowed (Commissioner Oshie moved to allow the revised rates to become effective December 1, 2010; and to grant an exemption from WAC 480-110-425, Customer Notice, and require the company to notify customers of increases on or before the next billing cycle, or, in the alternative, allow the company to demonstrate that it has already notified the customers of the revised rates. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried. (3:0) )
  • 08/11/2010 -- Open