UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 101776

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-101776
Company Sti Prepaid, LLC
DBA Telco Group, Telco, TGI, Dialaround Enterprises, Dialaround, DEI
VOIP Enterprises, VOIP
Filing Type Transfer of Property
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Sharyn Bate
Filed Date 11/01/2010
Effective Date N/A
Summary Notice of Transfer of Control between STi Prepaid, LLC and Vivaro Corporation.

Event History

  • 04/19/2011 -- Close (STi is competitively classified and the commission has waived the transfer of property statute. The transaction involved the merger of STi and Vivaro Corporation (Vivaro) whereby STi merged into Vivaro Acquisition LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vivaro, with STi remaining as the surviving entity. STi is a registered telecommunications company providing prepaid calling cards services in the State of Washington. The transaction was consummated on October 14, 2010, with the commission just receiving notice that the transaction is complete in all states. There will be no change in the company's current rates, terms, or conditions. The transaction was transparent to customer and no notice was required. (per Sharyn Bate))
  • 11/01/2010 -- Open