UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 110321

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-110321
Company Telrite Corporation
DBA Life Wireless
Filing Type Petition
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Roth, Jing (UTC)
Filed Date 02/17/2011
Effective Date 03/19/2011
Summary Telrite's Petition for Renewal of its designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier to provide Wireless Lifeline service in Washington.

Event History

  • 01/29/2015 -- Approved (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issue an order granting Telrite Corporation the exemption from WAC 480-123-030(1)(d), (f), and (g) and renew the company's designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the purpose of receiving Lifeline support from the federal Universal Service Fund in Washington, subject to the modified conditions in Attachment 2 to this memo. Generally, this renewal eliminates the one-year interim. Chairman Danner seconded. Commissioner Jones dissented. (2:1))
  • 01/12/2015 -- Re-open (Per email request of Jing Roth.)
  • 01/29/2015 -- Open Meeting
  • 06/13/2013 -- Open Meeting
  • 06/13/2013 -- Approved (Commissioner Goltz moved to grant the exemption from Washington Administrative Code 480-123-030(1)(d), (f) and (g), which requires the filing of a substantive investment plan, wireless network maps and certification on back up power capabilities, respectively. Additionally, designate Telrite Corporation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the purpose of receiving Lifeline support from the federal Universal Service Fund in service areas specified in Attachment 1 and subject to the conditions in Attachment 2 to the staff memorandum. Chairman Danner seconded the motion. The motion carried (2:1))
  • 02/17/2011 -- Open