UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 110361

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-110361
Company Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC
Filing Type Transfer of Property
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Sharyn Bate
Filed Date 02/25/2011
Effective Date N/A
Summary Notification of proposed pro forma intra-corporate transaction between Zayo Group, LLC, Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC, Onvoy, Inc., and Zayo Bandwidth, LLC.

Event History

  • 05/11/2011 -- Close (ZEN is competitively classified and the commission has waived the transfer of property statute. The transaction involved the pro forma transfer of control of ZEN to Zayo Group, LLC, with the transfer including certain assets and customers. ZEN is a registered telecommunications company providing business data services including Ethernet, Private Line, DIA, Virtual Private Networks, VoIP services in the State of Washington. The transaction was consummated on April 1, 2011. There will be no change in the company's current rates, terms, or conditions. A customer notice in the form of a bill insert was provided as required by WAC 480-120-147. (per Sharyn Bate))
  • 02/25/2011 -- Open