UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing U - 110808


Document Type Date Description
Compliance 04/29/2013 Compliance filing on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Ken Johnson, RE: pursuant to paragraph 9 of the settlement agreement regarding PSE's new billing system went live on April 1, 2013. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/30/2013)
Compliance 12/21/2012 Redacted compliance with Order No. 3 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Tom DeBoer. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 12/24/2012)
Compliance 11/21/2012 Compliance with Order No. 3 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Tom DeBoer. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 11/26/2012)
Order - Final 11/07/2012 Notice of Finality.
Order - Initial 10/17/2012 Order 03 - Initial Order Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement.
Agreement 09/10/2012 Joint Narrative in Support of Settlement Agreement on behalf of Public Counsel and The Energy Project, from Lisa Gafken. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/11/2012)
Agreement 09/07/2012 Narrative in Support of Settlement Agreement on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Donna L. Barnett. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 09/10/2012)
Agreement 09/07/2012 Commission Staff Narrative Supporting Settlement Agreement from Michael Fassio.
Notice 09/07/2012 Notice Striking Evidentiary Hearing (Hearing previously set for September 11, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. will not be held)
Agreement 08/30/2012 Settlement Agreement from Robert D. Cedarbaum.
Confidentiality Agreement 07/23/2012 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Robert D. Cedarbaum from Robert D. Cedarbaum.
Testimony 07/06/2012 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits of Vicki Elliott, Steven V. King, Rayne Pearson and Sharon Wallace on behalf of Commission Staff from Michael A. Fassio.
Letter 07/06/2012 Letter on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa W. Gafken, RE: Public Counsel will not be submitting testimony but confirms continued interest and participation. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 07/09/2012)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/27/2012 Confidentiality Agreements of Ronald Roseman and Chuck Eberdt on behalf of The Energy Project from Ronald L. Roseman. (scanned & posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/26/2012 Confidentiality Agreements of Stephen Flinn, Bruce Reed and Danielle Knutson on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa W. Gafken. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 06/27/2012)
Notice 06/22/2012 Notice Granting Motion to Change Hearing Date (Evidentiary Hearing Now Set for September 11, 2012)
Testimony 06/21/2012 Revised Testimony and Exhibit of Kristina R. McClenahan on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Donna L. Barnett. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 06/22/2012)
Notice 06/21/2012 Notice of Substitution of Presiding Officer
Motion 06/14/2012 Moton to Change Hearing Date from Michael A. Fassio.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/06/2012 Confidentiality Agreement Signed by Vicki Elliott, on behalf of Staff, from Michael A. Fassio.
Testimony 06/01/2012 Response Testimony and Exhibits of Tom DeBoer, Agnes P. Barard, and Kristina R. McClenahan on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Donna L. Barnett. (scanned & posted) (disc)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/16/2012 Confidentiality Agreements of Mary Kimball, Carol Williams, Bobby Covach, George Luong, Lea Daeschel, Stefanie Johnson, Simon ffitch, and Lisa W. Gafken on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa W. Gafken. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 05/17/2012)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/07/2012 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Diana Otto, on behalf of Staff, from Michael A. Fassio.
Testimony 05/03/2012 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits of Steven V. King, Rayne Pearson and Sharon Wallace on behalf of Staff from Michael A. Fassio.
Order - Protective 05/03/2012 Order 02 - Protective Order
Letter 05/03/2012 Letter on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa W. Gafken, RE: notification that Public Counsel will not be submitting direct testimony but confirms their interest and participation in the proceeding. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 05/04/2012)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/03/2012 Confidentiality Agreements of Sally Brown, Michael A. Fassio, Steven V. King, Sharon Wallace and Rayne Pearson on behalf of Staff from Michael A. Fassio.
Notice 05/02/2012 Notice of Appearance of Michael A. Fassio, on behalf of Staff, from Michael A. Fassio.
Letter 04/05/2012 Notice of Substitution of Counsel on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa W. Gafken. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 04/09/2012)
Testimony 04/03/2012 Redacted Prefiled Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Tom DeBoer and Gilbert Archuleta on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Donna L. Barnett. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/04/2012)
Transcript 12/28/2011 Trancript Volume 1; December 19, 2011; Pages 1-19.
Order - Prehearing Conference 12/20/2011 Order 01 - Prehearing Conference Order (Evidentiary Hearing set for August 21, 2012)
Notice of Hearing 11/21/2011 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for December 19, 2011, at 1:30 p.m.)
Response 11/15/2011 Answer on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Donna L. Barnett. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 11/15/2011)
Notice 11/10/2011 Notice of Appearance on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Donna Barnett for Sheree Strom Carson. (scanned & posted)
Notice 11/08/2011 Notice of Appearance on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 11/09/2011)
Notice 11/04/2011 Notice of Appearance on Behalf of Commission Staff from Sally Brown.
Report 10/26/2011 Commission Order Compliance Report
Order - Other 10/26/2011 Complaint