UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 111390

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-111390
Company Value-Added Communications, Inc.
Filing Type Transfer of Property
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Sharyn Bate
Filed Date 07/29/2011
Effective Date N/A
Summary Transfers control and transfer of assets from Value-Added Communications, Inc., to Global Tel*Link Corporation.

Event History

  • 08/08/2011 -- Close (Value-Added Communications, Inc. (Value-Added) is competitively classified and the commission has waived the transfer of property statute. The transaction involved the purchase of Value-Added stock and assets, including customer base, by Global Tel*Link Corporation. Value-Added is a registered telecommunications company providing managed telecommunications services to inmates of state and county departments of corrections and in owning and operating prison and public payphones in the State of Washington. The transaction was consummated the week of August 1, 2011. Because of the nature of the service provided no customer notice was required. (per Sharyn Bate))
  • 07/29/2011 -- Open