UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 111431


Filter by document type: All | Email | Initial Filing | Order - Final
Document Type Date Description
Email 09/21/2012 Email to Kathy Hunter from Tim Kelly on behalf of Columbia Basin Railroad, RE: Exemption at SR-17 Crossing in Moses Lake. (scanned & posted)
Order - Final 01/12/2012 Order 01 Order Authorizing the Installation of R15-3 "Exempt" Crossing Signs at a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing at State Route 17. USDOT: 396983B.
Email 11/07/2011 Email to Kathy Hunter from Tim Kelly, Columbia Basin Railroad, RE: Conditional Waiver of Hearing. (via email)
Email 08/15/2011 Email to Kathy Hunter from Tom Hanson, WSDOT, RE: Questions regarding exemptions for transit and paratransit vehicles and reporting number of buses. (scanned & posted)
Initial Filing 08/08/2011 Initial filing on behalf of Washington State Department of Transportation, from Tom Hanson. (scanned and posted)