UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 111503

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TG-111503
Company Torre Refuse and Recycling LLC
DBA Sunshine Disposal & Recycling
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Solid Waste (227)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Young, Mike (UTC)
Filed Date 08/17/2011
Effective Date 10/01/2011
Summary Company filed new tariff No. 3 to propose rates for a new recycle program. Spokane County issued ordinance 11-0642 requiring comingled residential and multi-family recycle service in a designated area in Western Spokane County. The company is also offering "organic recycle" (yardwaste and food waste) service in the identical area on a voluntary basis. The proposed recycle rate is $5.00 per month to all recycle customers. The proposed organic recycle rate is $12.00 per month. The company is also proposing a recycle commodity credit of $0.60 per month. Implements deferred accounting for the annual adjustment of the monthly recyclable commodity revenue adjustment.

Event History

  • 09/28/2011 -- Open Meeting
  • 09/28/2011 -- Allowed (Commissioner Oshie moved to require the company to institute a deferred accounting mechanism for the sale of recyclable materials collected in the company's residential and multi-family recycling program. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0). The Commissioners took no action allowing the proposed rates and commodity credit filed by Torre Refuse and Recycling, LLC, d/b/a Sunshine Disposal and Recycling to become effective October 1, 2011, by operation of law.)
  • 08/17/2011 -- Open