Docket Number | UE-111583 |
Advice | 2011-20 |
Company | Puget Sound Energy |
DBA | |
Filing Type | Tariff Revision |
Industry (Code) | Electric (140) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Mickelson, Christopher (UTC) |
Filed Date | 08/31/2011 |
Effective Date | 10/01/2011 |
Summary | Revises Schedule No. 194, Residential & Farm Energy Exchange Benefit, which implements changes to rates under a Residential Purchase and Sales Agreement between Puget Sound Energy and Bonneville Power Administration. The filing represents an increase in the amount of benefits available to Puget Sound Energy's customers from the amount currently being billed to customers, resulting in a 0.5% or $0.50 decrease in the total bill for a typical residential customer using 1,000 kWh per month. |