Document Type | Date | Description |
Letter | 11/13/2014 | Letter from David Lykken to Booga Gilbertson of PSE RE: follow-up review from Pinehurst Settlement Agreement, Docket PG-111723. |
Compliance | 11/12/2014 | Pinehurst Settlement Agreement Report on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Stephanie Silva, RE: commitment to conduct workshops. (via web portal)
Compliance | 04/24/2014 | Report on behalf of Puget Sound Energy by Cyera, from Cheryl McGrath RE: Risk Communication Assessment Gas Leak Educational Materials and Outreach Strategies. (via web portal) |
Letter | 02/11/2014 | Letter from David Lykken to Cheryl McGrath, Puget Sound Energy RE: Review of Emergency procedures as it relates to the terms of the settlement agreement dated 02/07/2014. (scanned & posted) |
Report | 01/24/2014 | Report detailing Emergency Procedures review conducted by Puget Sound Energy per Pinehurst Settlement Agreement on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Cheryl McGrath. (via web portal) |
Transcript | 10/04/2013 | Transcript Volume 2; September 25, 2013; pages 12-50. (hard copy rec'd 10/10/2013) |
Order - Final | 09/26/2013 | Order 02 - Final Order approving and adopting settlement agreement on conditions. |
Notice of Hearing | 08/13/2013 | Notice of Hearing on Settlement Proposal (Set for September 25, 2013, at 9:30 a.m.) |
Agreement | 07/24/2013 | Settlement Agreement and Joint Narrative Supporting Settlement from Donald T. Trotter.
Notice | 07/10/2013 | Notice Suspending Procedural Schedule and Notice Canceling Hearing (Set for October 15 and 16, 2013) |
Letter | 07/10/2013 | Letter RE: Settlement, request to suspend schedule from Donald T. Trotter |
Order - Final | 06/27/2013 | Order 01, Order Exempting Compliance with Certain Rules in WAC 480; Suspending Certain Procedural Events in Dockets UE-130617, TC-121328, UE-130043, PG-111723 and TG-130501; Delegating Authority to Executive Director and Secretary to Suspend Filings. |
Transcript | 04/29/2013 | Transcript Volume 1; April 18, 2013; Pages 1-11.
Order - Other | 04/19/2013 | Order 01, Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Set for October 15-16, 2013). |
Notice of Hearing | 03/29/2013 | Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for April 18, 2013, at 1:30 p.m.)
Response | 03/21/2013 | Answer on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Sheree Strom Carson. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 03/21/2013) |
Notice | 03/14/2013 | Notice of Appearance on Behalf of Commission Staff from Donald T. Trotter. |
Notice | 03/06/2013 | Notice of Appearance on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Donna Barnett from Sheree Strom Carson. (scanned & posted) |
Order - Complaint | 03/01/2013 | Order 01 - Complaint
Report | 12/26/2012 | Investigation Report on Explosion and Fire, on behalf of Staff, from Donald T. Trotter.
Report | 02/22/2012 | Letter to Jeffrey M. Thomas from Arun Kumar, RE: SEAL Laboratories Independent Report. (scanned & posted) |
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