UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 111908

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TG-111908
Company Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
DBA Waste Management - Sno-King
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Solid Waste (227)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Nicki Johnson
Filed Date 11/03/2011
Effective Date 01/01/2012
Summary Proposed general rate case filing that would generate approximately $501,700 additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by King County. Disposal fees will increase from $95.00 per ton to $109.00 per ton effective January 1, 2012. The filing also includes the King County Board of Health's increase in the hazardous waste fees for residential and non-residential customers. The monthly hazardous waste fee for residential customers increases from $.80 to $1.08 and for non-residential customers increases from $9.07 to $11.24. The company serves approximately 21,100 customers in King County. The company's last general rate case became effective on June 1, 2010.

Event History

  • 12/29/2011 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/29/2011 -- Allowed (Allowed to become effective per the Consent Agenda.)
  • 11/03/2011 -- Open