UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 120523

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TG-120523
Company Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
DBA Waste Management of Greater Wenatchee
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Solid Waste (227)
Status Closed
Lead Staff White, Amy (UTC)
Filed Date 04/17/2012
Effective Date 07/01/2012
Summary Proposed general rate increase that would generate approximately $440,000 (9.6 percent) in additional annual revenue for the collection of residential and commercial garbage, residential recycling, yard waste and drop box services. After staff's review of the company's supporting financial documents, books and records, staff and the company agreed to a lower revenue requirement of $409,523 (7.5 percent) additional annual revenue and lower revised rates. The company provides regulated solid waste collection service to approximately 12,800 residential and commercial customers in Chelan and Douglas Counties. The company's last general rate increase became effective on June 1, 2007.

Event History

  • 06/28/2012 -- Open Meeting
  • 05/10/2012 -- Open Meeting
  • 06/28/2012 -- Allowed
  • 05/10/2012 -- Re-open
  • 05/10/2012 -- Approved (Allowed to become effective per the Consent Agenda.)
  • 04/17/2012 -- Open