UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 120767

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-120767
Company Puget Sound Energy
Filing Type Plan
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Nightingale, David (UTC)
Filed Date 05/25/2012
Effective Date N/A
Summary NOTE: This item will be heard at a Special Open Meeting on Monday, January 6, 2014, at 9:00 AM, in the Commission's Hearing room, Room 206. On May 31, 2013, Puget Sound Energy ('PSE') filed its 2013 Integrated Resource Plan ('IRP') with the Commission. The Commission received approximately 3,000 comments in response to the IRP. On October 10, 2013, the Commission held an all-day hearing at its Open Meeting. At this hearing, PSE presented the findings contained in its IRP, and the Commissin heard over six hours of public comments. The Commissoin is not soliciting additional oral presentations at this Open Meeting. The Commission will consider formal asknowledgement of PSE's 2013 IRP at this Open Meeting.

Event History

  • 12/27/2013 -- Open Meeting
  • 10/10/2013 -- Open Meeting (NOTE: Items D1 and D2 will be heard directly following the regular open meeting items.)
  • 01/06/2014 -- Close (Commissioner Goltz moved to direct the Executive Director and Secretary to issue a letter acknowledging that PSE's 2013 Integrated Resource Plan complies with WAC 480-100-238 and 480-90-238. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried. (3:0) Commissioner Goltz moved that the letter should include attachments with comments consistent with the revised staff memorandum which was filed today, with the following changes to the staff recommendation. With regard to the IRP part, we should approve all of staff revised language except after paragraph 1g, add another paragraph that states that the company shall provide greater evaluation of electricity storage in the next IRP, and in paragraph 3a and b, we accept the company's proposed language in lieu of the staff's recommendation and on paragraph 3d, we add the first sentence of the company's proposed language to the revised staff recommendation. On the Colstrip recommendations, we would adopt the staff recommendations with the following exceptions: In 2c, it should be amended to insert a period after environmental regulations and add a new sentence which would read, "In the next IRP, the company should assess and, if possible, quantify the future risks of additional stricter environmental regulation, and in paragraph 2d, it should be stricken and substituted, to the extent possible, the company should quantify the decommissioning cost of the Colstrip, and in 2e, it should be stricken and the following substituted, "In some cases, PSE gave too much weight to the likelihood of success of challenges to proposed EPA rules." Chairman Danner seconded the motion. The motion carried (2:1))
  • 12/27/2013 -- Continued (This item was moved to a Special Open Meeting on Monday, January 6, 2014, at 9:00 AM, in the Commission's Hearing room, Room 206.)
  • 05/25/2012 -- Open