UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 120910


Filter by document type: All | Document | Letter | Notice | Order - Other | Response
Document Type Date Description
Notice 03/18/2013 Robert D. Cedarbaum Letter to Always Able Moving Service, LLC,RE: Notice of Intent to Send to Collections.
Order - Other 10/26/2012 Order 01 - Order Mitigating and Partially Suspending Penalty, Subject to Condition
Letter 10/01/2012 Letter to Dave Danner on behalf of Commission staff from Sharon Wallace, RE: Staff Response to Application for Mitigation of Penalties.
Response 08/22/2012 Response on behalf of Always Able Moving Service, LLC, from Dana Parker, RE: Response to being denied a request for hearing and Application for Mitigation. (scanned & posted)
Notice 08/16/2012 Notice Denying Request For Hearing and Notice of Opportunity to Submit Reason(s) in Support of Application For Mitigation (By Thursday, August 23, 2012)
Document 08/10/2012 Request for Hearing on behalf of Always Able Moving Service, LLC (scanned & posted)
Order - Other 07/23/2012 Penalty assessment in the amount of $2,100 for failing to timely file 2011 annual report and pay 2012 regulatory fees.