UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TG - 121059


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 08/30/2012 Order 02 Order Authorizing Revenue Sharing for Recyclable Commodities Revenue.
Compliance 08/17/2012 Compliance filing on behalf of Rabanco Ltd d/b/a Eastside Disposal from Alex Brenner, RE; Addendum to the Revenue Sharing Agreement. (via e-mail)
Order - Final 08/02/2012 Order Authorizing Revenue Sharing for Recyclable Commodities Revenue on a Temporary Basis, Subject to Revision
Open Meeting Memo 07/27/2012 Open Meeting Memo for July 27, 2012, Open Meeting.
Letter 07/23/2012 Letter on behalf of Rabanco Ltd., from Alex Brenner. (via e-mail)
Replacement Page 07/06/2012 Replacement pages on behalf of Rabanco Ltd., from Alex Brenner. (via e-mail)
Letter 06/20/2012 Letter on behalf of King County from Kevin Kiernan, RE: determinations regarding compliance and conveys support for and certification of a new consolidated revenue sharing plan. (via email)
Initial Filing 06/19/2012 Initial filing on behalf of Rabanco Ltd., from Alex Brenner. (via e-mail)