UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TS - 121395


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 07/17/2013 Order 04 - Final Order Denying Petition For Administrative Review
Response 05/01/2013 Response to Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of Sean McNamara d/b/a Bellingham Water Taxi from Sean C. McNamara. (via email)
Response 05/01/2013 Answer to Island Mariner's Petition for Administrative Review, on behalf of Staff, from Michael A. Fassio.
Response 05/01/2013 Answer on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., from David W. Wiley. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 05/02/2013)
Notice 04/19/2013 Notice Granting Request to Extend Time for Response (Responses to Petition for Administrative Review now due May 1, 2013).
Letter 04/16/2013 Letter on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., from David W. Wiley, RE: request an extension of time to file the Answer to the Petition for Review from April 25, 2013 to May 1, 2013. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 04/18/2013)
Letter 03/28/2013 Letter on behalf of Island Mariner from Terry Buzzard, RE: notification that the company will be starting service on April 27th. (scanned & posted)
Order - Initial 03/26/2013 Order 03 - Initial Order Granting Application of San Juan Cruises with Conditions
Report 02/25/2013 Summary Closing Argument on behalf of Island Mariner Cruises, from Terry Buzzard. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 02/27/2013)
Report 02/25/2013 Summary Argument in Support of Grant of Application on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., d/b/a San Juan Cruises from David W. Wiley. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 02/27/2013)
Document 02/25/2013 Post Hearing Summation on behalf of Staff, from Michael A. Fassio.
Transcript 02/12/2013 Transcript Volume 3; February 1, 2013; Pages 271-439. (hard copy rec'd 02/15/2013)
Transcript 02/12/2013 Transcript Volume 2; January 31, 2013; Pages 19-270. (hard copy rec'd 02/15/2013)
Notice 01/28/2013 Notice of Appearance on behalf of Pacific Northwest Cruises, Inc., from David W. Wiley. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 01/30/2013)
Letter 01/28/2013 Letter to ALJ Torem on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., from David W. Wiley, RE: requests/reserves the right to call Mr. Darrell E. Bryan as a rebuttal witness. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 01/30/2013)
Log 01/15/2013 Revised witness/exhibit lists and proposed exhibits on behalf of San Juan Cruises from Drew Schmidt. (via email)
Order - Other 01/04/2013 Order 02 - Order Denying Motion to Dismiss Application of San Juan Cruises
Log 12/24/2012 Revised Witness List on behalf of Sean McNamara/Bellingham Water Taxi from Sean C. McNamara. (scanned & posted)
Letter 12/21/2012 Letter on behalf of Staff, from Michael A. Fassio, re: witnesses and exhibits.
Exhibit 12/21/2012 Revised Witness and Exhibits lists and proposed exhibits on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., d/b/a San Juan Cruises form Drew Schmidt. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 12/24/2012)
Exhibit 12/20/2012 Witness and Exhibit Lists on behalf of Sean McNamara/Bellingham Water Taxi from Sean C. McNamara. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 12/21/2012)
Response 12/14/2012 Response to Bellingham Water Taxi's Motion to Dismiss, on behalf of Staff, from Michael A. Fassio.
Response 12/10/2012 Response to Motion to Dismiss Application on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., d/b/a San Juan Cruises from Captain Drew M. Schmidt. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 12/14/2012)
Motion 12/10/2012 Petitioner's Motion to Dismiss Application TS-121395, on behalf of Sean McNamara, d/b/a Bellingham Water Taxi. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 12/12/2012)
Letter 11/08/2012 Letter on behalf of Bellingham Water Taxi from Sean McNamara, RE: issues that appear inconsistent with the commission's rules. (scanned & posted)
Order - Prehearing Conference 11/06/2012 Order 01 - Prehearing Conference Order (Hearing Set for January 31, 2013, at 9:30 a.m.)
Consolidation Order 10/25/2012 Notice of Consolidation and Prehearing Conference (Set for November 6, 2012, at 10:00 a.m.)
Protest 09/24/2012 Protest on behalf of Sean McNamara/Bellingham Water Taxi from Sean McNamara. (scanned & posted)
Protest 09/17/2012 Protest on behalf of Island Mariner Cruises Inc., from Terry Buzzard. (scanned & posted)
Notice 08/31/2012 Notice for Application 121395.
Initial Filing 08/24/2012 Initial filing on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc. (scanned & posted)