UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 121722


Document Type Date Description
Order - Other 07/26/2013 Order 03 - Order Amending Order 02 and Dismissing Complaint Against 3rd Generation Movers and Hauling
Petition 07/22/2013 Staff's Petition for Reconsideration, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Order - Final 06/20/2013 Order 02 - Final Order Accepting Petition For Administrative Review, Reopening Record, and Cancelling Permit Only if 3rd Generation Movers and Hauling Fails to Pay Penalty Assessment
Petition 04/01/2013 Staff's Petition for Administrative Review and Declaration of Mathew Perkinson, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Order - Initial 03/12/2013 Order 01 - Initial Order Dismissing Certain Complaints, Dismissing Other Complaints Subject to Condition, and Cancelling Permits.
Letter 03/01/2013 Letter on behalf of Generation Movers from Chris Watkins, RE: explanation and request that his license not be cancelled. (via email)
Transcript 02/12/2013 Transcript Volume 1; February 4, 2013; Pages 1-27. (hard copy rec'd 02/19/2013)
Exhibit 02/08/2013 Exhibits 1, 2, MP-1, MP-2, MP-3, MP-4, MP-5, MP-6, MP-7, and MP-8 admitted
Notice 01/09/2013 Notice of Appearance of Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Notice of Hearing 12/31/2012 Complaint for Cancellation of permit for failure to pay regulatory fees and failure to to file annual report; and Notice of Hearing (Set for February 4, 2013, at 1:30 p.m.)
Testimony 12/19/2012 Declaration of Mathew Perkinson