UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 121998

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-121998
Company Zayo Group, LLC
Filing Type Transfer of Property
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Russell, Kristen (UTC)
Filed Date 12/27/2012
Effective Date N/A
Summary Notification of Zayo Group, LLC, AboveNet Communications, Inc., and 360networks (USA) inc. Regarding Certain Pro Forma Intra-Company Transactions.

Event History

  • 04/24/2013 -- Close (All 3 of the companies are competitively classified and the Commission has waived the transfer of property statute; therefore, the Commission does not have jurisdiction over the transaction. The transaction involved AboveNet and 360Networks merging into and becoming part of Zayo Group, whereby Zayo Group would be the surviving entity. The customers of AboveNet and 360Networks were given notification of the transaction as required by WAC. Other than a change in the providers name, the transaction would be virtually seamless to existing customers - there was no change in the rates, terms and conditions. Both AboveNet and 360Networks submitted the required Cessation of Service notice (UT-130392 and UT-130404). (per Kristen Russell))
  • 12/27/2012 -- Open