UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 130020

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-130020
Company Integra Telecom of Washington, Inc.
Filing Type Transfer of Property
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Russell, Kristen (UTC)
Filed Date 01/03/2013
Effective Date N/A
Summary Notification of ownership change of Integra Telecom of Washington, Inc., to Searchlight Capital.

Event History

  • 01/10/2013 -- Close (The company is competitively classified and the Commission has waived the transfer of property/securities statutes, therefor, the Commission does not have jurisdiction over the transaction. The transaction involved the transfer of stock from one entity to another, but did not change the organizational structure of the company. The transaction was completed in December and was completely transparent to Integra's customers who will continue to receive service at the current rates, terms, and conditions. (per Kristen Russell))
  • 01/03/2013 -- Open