Filing TE - 130194
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03/13/2013 |
TE-130194 Letter.pdf
Penalty Assessment |
Amended Penalty Assessment of $400 for a violation of WAC 480-30-071 and 480-30-076, which requires charter and excursion companies to furnish annual safety reports and pay regulatory fees to the commission no later than December 31. |
52,123 KB |
03/13/2013 |
TE-130194 Letter.docx
Penalty Assessment |
Amended Penalty Assessment of $400 for a violation of WAC 480-30-071 and 480-30-076, which requires charter and excursion companies to furnish annual safety reports and pay regulatory fees to the commission no later than December 31. |
69,848 KB |
03/13/2013 |
TE-130194 Amended Order CWA Inc.pdf
Penalty Assessment |
Amended Penalty Assessment of $400 for a violation of WAC 480-30-071 and 480-30-076, which requires charter and excursion companies to furnish annual safety reports and pay regulatory fees to the commission no later than December 31. |
468,212 KB |
03/13/2013 |
TE-130194 Amended Order CWA Inc.doc
Penalty Assessment |
Amended Penalty Assessment of $400 for a violation of WAC 480-30-071 and 480-30-076, which requires charter and excursion companies to furnish annual safety reports and pay regulatory fees to the commission no later than December 31. |
59,392 KB |
03/04/2013 |
CWA Inc.doc
Penalty Assessment |
Penalty Assessment of $1,800 for a violation of WAC 480-30-071 and 480-30-076, which requires charter and excursion companies to furnish annual safety reports and pay regulatory fees to the commission no later than December 31. |
58,880 KB |
03/04/2013 |
CWA Inc.pdf
Penalty Assessment |
Penalty Assessment of $1,800 for a violation of WAC 480-30-071 and 480-30-076, which requires charter and excursion companies to furnish annual safety reports and pay regulatory fees to the commission no later than December 31. |
456,690 KB |