UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 130326


Filter by document type: All | Order - Complaint | Order - Final | Order - Initial | Transcript
Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 05/15/2013 Notice of Finality.
Transcript 05/06/2013 Transcript Volume 1; April 24, 2013; Pages 1-95. (hard copy rec'd 05/10/2013)
Order - Initial 04/24/2013 Order 02, Stipulated Initial Order Classifying Respondent as Household Goods Carrier; Ordering Respondent to Cease & Desist; Imposing and Suspending Penalties on Condition of Future Compliance.
Order - Complaint 04/03/2013 Order 01 - Order Instituting Special Proceeding; Complaint Seeking to Impose Penalties; Notice of Mandatory Appearance at Hearing (Set for April 24, 2013, at 9:30 a.m.), and Subpoena and Subpoena Duces Tecum For Production of Documents