UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 130458

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-130458
Company Trans National Communications International, Inc.
Filing Type Transfer of Property
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Russell, Kristen (UTC)
Filed Date 03/29/2013
Effective Date N/A
Summary Notification of TNCI Operating Company LLC ('TNCI-OpCo') and Trans National Communications International, Inc. (Debtor-In-Possession)('TNCI-DIP') Regarding the Acquisition by TNCI-OpCo of the Customers and Certain Assets of TNCI_DIP.

Event History

  • 06/05/2013 -- Close (Closed - TNCI-DIP is a competitively classified company and the Commission has waived the transfer of property statute. Although the transaction would be virtually transparent to TNCI-DIP's customers, the transaction involved the transfer of TNCI-DIP's customers to a new entity, and customers were given notice as required by WAC 480-120-147. The "new" entity will operate under a similar name, and will provide service under TNCI-DIP's current rates, terms and conditions, per Kristen Russell.)
  • 03/29/2013 -- Open