UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UE - 131384


Document Type Date Description
Order - Other 06/08/2015 Order 10, Granting Motion to Clarify Final Order.
Order - Final 05/26/2015 Order 09, Final Order Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement; Authorizing and Requiring Tariff Filing.
Letter 03/30/2015 Steven V. King letter to all parties, RE: Compliance letter.
Testimony - Errata 03/26/2015 Errata Correcting Order 08.
Order - Final 03/25/2015 Order 08, Denying Petition For Accounting Order.
Consolidation Order 06/24/2014 Order 01, Order Granting Pacific Power & Light Company's Motion and Consolidating Dockets UE-131384 and UE-140094 with Dockets UE-140762 and UE-140617.
Motion 06/13/2014 Motion to Consolidate on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company from R. Bryce Dalley. (via web portal)
Notice 04/02/2014 Notice of Name Change on behalf of Packaging Corporation of America, f/k/a Boise White Paper, L.L.C., from Jesse Gorsuch. (via email) (hardcopy rec'd 4/3/14)
Petition 01/13/2014 Initial filing on behalf of Boise White Paper, LLC from Melinda J. Davison and Tyler C. Pepple. (via email)
Notice 01/13/2014 Notice of appearance for Melinda J. Davison and Tyler C. Pepple, from Melinda J. Davison. (via email)
Motion 01/10/2014 Withdrawal of motion for protective order by PacifiCorp from William R. Griffith. (via email)
Motion 01/06/2014 PacifiCorp's Motion for Standard Protective Order (Expedited Treatment Requested) on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company from William R. Griffith. (via web portal) (hardcopy rec'd 1-7-14)
Notice 12/16/2013 Notice of appearance for Simon ffitch and Lisa Gafken, from Lisa Gafken, AAG. (scanned & posted)
Initial Filing 07/26/2013 Initial filing on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company from William R. Griffith. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 7/29/13)