UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UG - 132019


Document Type Date Description
Presentation 11/15/2017 Presentation slides on Core Gas Hedging Program, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Nate Hill. (via web portal)
Order - Other 03/13/2017 Policy and Interpretive Statement on Local Distribution Companies' Natural Gas Hedging Practices
Comment 05/23/2016 Comments on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Mark Sellers-Vaughn. (via web portal)
Comment 05/23/2016 Comments on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Mark Thompson. (via email)
Comment 05/23/2016 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken and Mary Kimball. (via web portal)
Comment 05/23/2016 Comments on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users (NWIGU), from Tommy Brooks. (via email)
Comment 05/18/2016 Comments on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Patrick Ehrbar. (via email)
Notice 04/11/2016 Notice of Opportunity to File Comments (By Monday, May 23, 2016)
Document 03/24/2016 March 28, 2016 Workshop Materials. (via email)
Notice 03/02/2016 Notice of Workshop (Set for March 28, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.)
Report 07/28/2015 Natural Gas Utility Hedging Practices - White Paper Paper prepared by Michael Gettings
Document 01/22/2014 Workshop Agenda - January 23, 2014.
Document 01/22/2014 Power point presentation "Encouraging 'Robust' Risk Mitigation," from Mike Gettings, RiskCentrix.
Document 01/22/2014 Power point presentation "'Teeing Off' the Discussion on Gas Hedging," from Ken Costello, National Regulatory Research Institute.
Document 01/22/2014 Comment Matrix
Comment 01/14/2014 Comments on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Ken Johnson. (via web portal)
Comment 01/14/2014 Comments on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Mark R. Thompson. (via web portal)
Comment 01/13/2014 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken. (via e-mail)
Comment 01/13/2014 Comments on behalf of NW Energy Coalition, from Fred Heutte. (via email)
Comment 01/13/2014 Comments on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Mike Parvinen. (via email)
Comment 01/13/2014 Comments on behalf of Aether Advisors LLC, from Julia M. Ryan. (via email)
Comment 01/10/2014 Comments on behalf of Avista Corporation from Patrick Ehrbar. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 10/13/14)
Comment 01/03/2014 Response on behalf of City of Ellensburg, Energy Services Department, from Shan Rowbotham. (via web portal)
Notice 12/18/2013 Notice of Opportunity to File Written Comments (By Monday, January 13, 2014) and Notice of Workshop (To be held Thursday, January 23, 2014, at 9:30 a.m.)