UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UW - 132268


Document Type Date Description
Letter 09/05/2014 Final letter and calculation of fees from Cristalina, LLC, from Tonya M. Farmer, RE: Mike and Glenda Beck. (via email)
Order - Initial 08/04/2014 Order 03 - Initial Order establishing and requiring payment of past due amounts owed by the Beck's to Cristalina.
Memorandum 06/19/2014 Respondent's Memorandum and Closing Argument on behalf of Cristalina Water Company, from Holly Simmelink for Eric P. Gillett. (via email)
Memorandum 06/06/2014 Complainants' Memorandum and Closing Arguments on behalf of Mike and Glenda Beck, from Barry Kombol. (via fax) (hard copy rec'd 06/09/2014)
Transcript 06/03/2014 Transcript; Volume 3; May 21, 2014; Pages 96-339. (hard copy rec'd 06/05/2014)
Letter 05/16/2014 Letter to Steve King and Adam Torem on behalf of Cristalina LLC, from Holly Simmelink for Preg, O'Donnell & Gillett, PLLC RE: Cross-Examination Exhibit List. (via email)(hardcopy rec'd 5/20/14)
Exhibit 05/16/2014 Complainants' Cross Examination Exhibit List and Exhibits on behalf of Mike and Glenda Beck, from Barry C. Kombol. (via fax) (hard copy rec'd 05/19/2014)
Letter 05/12/2014 Rebuttal Exhibit List on behalf of Cristalina LLC, from Holly Simmelink for Preg, O'Donnell & Gillett, PLLC. (scanned & posted)
Letter 05/02/2014 Corrected Complainants' Rebuttal Witness List and Exhibit List on behalf of Mike and Glenda Beck, from Barry C. Kombol. (via fax) (hard copy rec'd 05/06/2014)
Document 04/25/2014 Exhibits, Exhibit List and Witness List on behalf of Cristalina LLC, from Holly Simmelink for Preg, O'Donnell & Gillett, PLLC. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 4/25/2014)
Exhibit 03/26/2014 Exhibit List and Witness List on behalf of Mike and Glenda Beck, from Barry Kombol. (via fax)(hard copy rec'd 3/27/14)
Transcript 02/19/2014 Transcript Volume 2; February 10, 2014; Pages 48-95 (hard copy rec'd 2/24/2014)
Order - Prehearing Conference 02/12/2014 Order 02 - Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Evidentiary Hearing Set for Wednesday, May 21, 2014, at 9:30 a.m.)
Notice 01/31/2014 Notice Rescheduling Prehearing Conference. (Re-scheduled for Monday, February 10, 2014, at 3:00 p.m.)
Letter 01/30/2014 Letter to Adam Torem from Eric P. Gillett, on behalf of Cristalina, L.L.C., RE: Request to reschedule prehearing conference and to participate in the prehearing conference telephonically. (via email)
Notice of Hearing 01/28/2014 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 2014, at 1:30 p.m.)
Letter 01/23/2014 Letter on behalf of Mike and Glenda Beck, from Barry Kombol RE: List and Statement of Issues. (via fax)(hard copy rec'd 1/27/2014)
Response 01/08/2014 Cristalina LLC's Response to Complaint of Mike and Glenda Beck from Eric P. Gillett. (cover letter via email) (hard copy provided 12/23/13) (scanned & posted)
Notice 01/08/2014 Notice of Appearance of Eric P. Gillett on behalf of Cristalina Water Company, from Holly Simmelink. (cover letter rec'd via email) (hard copy of notice provided on 12/23/13) (scanned & posted)
Transcript 01/02/2014 Transcript Volume 1; December 23, 2013; Pages 1-47. (hard copy rec'd 01/06/2013)
Order - Other 12/24/2013 Order 01 - Order Requiring Reconnection of Water Service; Setting Deadline For Submission of Issues List (Due Thursday, January 23, 2014)
Notice of Hearing 12/16/2013 Notice of Emergency Adjudication - Notice of Hearing (Set for December 23, 2013, at 1:30 p.m.)
Initial Filing 12/13/2013 Initial filing on behalf of Mike and Glenda Beck. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 12/16/13)