UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 133005


Filter by document type: All | Document | Email | Letter | Order - Supplemental
Document Type Date Description
Letter 06/05/2013 Steven King letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Federal Communications Commission, RE: Revised Company List.
Letter 04/29/2013 Letter to Bill Weinman on behalf of the Federal Communications Commission from Chelsea Fallon, RE: FCC's Study Area Boundary Data Collection website. (scanned & posted)
Letter 04/19/2013 Revised Steven V. King letter to Ms. Dortch of the Federal Communications Commission, RE: Notice of Intent to Submit Study Area Boundary Data.
Letter 04/11/2013 Steven V. King letter to Ms. Dortch of the Federal Communications Commission, RE: Notice of Intent to Submit Study Area Boundary Data.