Filing UG - 140088
Document Type |
Date |
Description |
Order - Final |
06/27/2014 |
Order 01 Order Granting Application.
Compliance |
06/26/2014 |
Letter on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Katherine J. Barnard for Ken Johnson, RE: Written notice that an Asset Purchase Agreement with the City of Buckley has closed and all the contracts and agreements necessary for PSE to provide natural gas service within the city have been executed. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 09/12/2014)
Exhibit |
02/14/2014 |
Revised Exhibit B on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Donna L. Barnett. (via web portal)
Initial Filing |
01/14/2014 |
Initial filing on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Ken Johnson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 1/15/14)