Docket Number | UT-141189 |
Advice | |
Company | YCOM Networks, Inc. |
DBA | Fairpoint Communications |
Filing Type | Tariff Revision |
Industry (Code) | Telecommunications (170) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Hahn, Roger (UTC) |
Filed Date | 05/30/2014 |
Effective Date | 07/01/2014 |
Summary | Revises Tariff WN U-5, effective July 1, 2014, to reflect a composite rate for terminating local end office switching consistent with National Exhange Carriers Association's Tariff FCC No. 5. Also combines the per minute originating end office local switching and information surcharge rate elements into one composite rate which will result in the originating access rate structure to mirror the terminating access rate structure. This filing is revenue neutral. |