UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing D - 141448


Filter by document type: All | Email | Letter | Order - Other | Response
Document Type Date Description
Letter 09/22/2015 Steven V. King compliance letter to all parties RE: waiving enforcement of suspended penalty.
Letter 09/10/2015 Letter to Steve King recommending waiver of penalty and closing of docket.
Letter 05/20/2015 Letter to Steve King confirming company's attendance of NUCA Dig Law training.
Email 04/30/2015 Notification from Andrea Ruotolo of NUCA, verifying Dig Safe Certification of BCA Directional Drilling employees.
Response 09/05/2014 Reply requesting mitigation agreeing to attend "Dig Safe" training, on behalf of BCA Directional Drilling. (scanned & posted)
Order - Other 08/28/2014 Penalty Assessment of $1,000 issued to BCA Directional Drilling LLC for violations of RCW 19.122 per Dig Law Safety Committee referral.
Letter 07/17/2014 Letter to Dave Lykken on behalf of the Washington State Dig Law Safety Committee, from Jon Cornelius, RE: Review Committee Decision. (via email)