UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 143416


Filter by document type: All | Document | Email | Initial Filing | Order - Final
Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 10/27/2014 Order 01 - Order Granting Petition to Reconstruct and Interconnect the Railroad Warning and Highway Traffic Signals at a Public Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing at NE 78th Street in Clark County.
Document 10/23/2014 Request for waiver of hearing on behalf of Portland Vancouver Junction Railroad from Eric Temple. (scanned & posted)
Email 10/21/2014 Email from Scott Fakler to Kathy Hunter, RE: Petition to Construct 852-429-T form submitted. (scanned & posted)
Initial Filing 09/18/2014 Initial filing on behalf of Clark County Public Works, from Scott Fakler. (scanned & posted)