UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 144162


Filter by document type: All | Comment | Initial Filing | Letter | Notice
Document Type Date Description
Letter 11/03/2020 BNSF comments on Revised Notice of Intent to Establish Quiet Zone
Letter 10/28/2020 UTC comments on revised Notice of Intent to Establish Quiet Zone.
Notice 09/16/2020 Notice of Intent to Establish a Railroad Quiet Zone, on behalf of City of Bellingham, from Seth Fleetwood. (scanned & posted)
Comment 02/20/2015 Letter to Mayor Kelli Linville from Steven King, RE: UTC Comments on Notice of Intent to Establish a Railroad Quiet Zone.
Initial Filing 12/26/2014 Initial filing on behalf of the City of Bellingham, from Mayor Kelli Linville. (scanned & posted)