Letter |
07/06/2020 |
Request to remove Bradley Mullins as representative, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement |
03/10/2020 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Cristina Steward, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Order - Final |
03/06/2020 |
Order 11 Final Order on Remand.
Brief |
01/08/2020 |
Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01/09/2020)
Brief |
01/08/2020 |
Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Brief |
01/08/2020 |
Post Hearing Brief on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 1/9/20)
Brief |
01/08/2020 |
Post Hearing Brief on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 1/9/20)
Transcript |
12/06/2019 |
Transcript; Volume 7; December 6, 2019; Pages 646-747. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 12-27-19)
Notice |
12/17/2019 |
Notice of Substitution of Presiding Officer.
Response |
12/12/2019 |
Response to Bench Request No. 22, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski. (hard copy rec'd 12/12/19)
Exhibit |
12/11/2019 |
Exhibit List, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nelli Doroshkin. (via email)
Document |
12/10/2019 |
Public Comment Bench Exhibit, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12-11-19)
Document |
12/09/2019 |
Transcript Verification; 12-6-19; 9:30-11:40 a.m.; 85 pages; Not Expedited. (via email) (Billed 01/27/2020)
Notice |
12/06/2019 |
Notice of Bench Request (Due by Friday, December 13, 2020 at 5 p.m.).
Document |
12/05/2019 |
Revised Rebuttal Testimony of Ms. Andrews and Mr. Thies, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Paul Kimball. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 12-6-19)
Document |
12/04/2019 |
Revised Cross-Examination Exhibit, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Tyler Pepple. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12/05/19)
Document |
11/27/2019 |
Exhibit List, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12/02/19)
Document |
11/27/2019 |
Cross-Examination Exhibit, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12/02/19)
Replacement Page |
12/02/2019 |
Revised Attachment M to Bench Request No. 21, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12/03/19)
Document |
11/27/2019 |
Exhibit List, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal)
Document |
11/27/2019 |
Cross-Examination exhibits, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Linda Gervais. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 12/2/19)
Exhibit |
11/27/2019 |
Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Response |
11/20/2019 |
Response to Bench Request No. 21, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 11/21/19)
Notice |
11/18/2019 |
Notice of Bench Request (Due by Thursday, November 21, 2019.
Notice of Hearing |
10/17/2019 |
Notice Rescheduling Evidentiary Hearing and Revising Procedural Schedule (Now set for December 6, 2019 at 9:30 a.m.).
Letter |
10/11/2019 |
Letter RE: No intent to file cross-answering testimony, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Tyler Pepple. (via web portal)
Testimony |
10/11/2019 |
Remand Testimony and Exhibits of Elizabeth Andrews, Mark Thies and Joseph Miller, on behalf of Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities from David Meyer. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 10/14/19)
Testimony |
10/11/2019 |
Cross-Answering Testimony of Chris R. McGuire and Jason L. Ball, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 10/11/19)
Testimony |
10/11/2019 |
Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibits of Donna M. Ramas and Glenn Watkins, on behalf of Public Counsel from Nina Suetake. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 10/14/19)
Testimony |
09/13/2019 |
Testimony and Exhibits of Donna Ramas and Glenn Watkins, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 09/16/19)
Testimony |
09/13/2019 |
Testimony and Exhibits of Chris R. McGuire and Jason L. Ball, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Testimony |
09/13/2019 |
Response Testimony and Exhibits on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal)
Order - Other |
08/20/2019 |
Order 10, Granting Motion to Modify Procedural Schedule.
Confidentiality Agreement |
08/19/2019 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Brent Coleman, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 08/20/19)
Notice |
08/19/2019 |
Notice of Appearance of Robert Sweetin, on behalf of the Alliance of Western energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 08/20/19)
Motion |
08/16/2019 |
Joint Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Order - Other |
08/15/2019 |
Order 09, Granting Motion to Modify Procedural Schedule.
Motion |
08/14/2019 |
Joint Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 08/15/19)
Confidentiality Agreement |
08/07/2019 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Aimee Higby, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement |
08/02/2019 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Robert Sweetin, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement |
07/24/2019 |
Confidentiality Agreements signed by Nina Suetake, Kevin Burdet and Corey Dahl, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Chanda Mak. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 07/25/19)
Confidentiality Agreement |
07/02/2019 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Andrew Rector, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Letter |
06/26/2019 |
Letter Requesting Change to Master Service List, on behalf of The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 6/27/19)
Order - Other |
06/26/2019 |
Order 08 Granting Motion to Modify Procedural Schedule
Workpapers |
06/21/2019 |
Workpapers, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer. (via web portal)
Testimony |
06/21/2019 |
Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 7/5/19).
Motion |
06/19/2019 |
Motion to Modify Procedural Schedule, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 6/20/19)
Document |
06/11/2019 |
Transcript Verification; Date: 5/24/19; Time: 1:32-2:19 pm; Pages: 22; Expedited: Yes (by Avista). (via email) (Billed 6-19/19)
Confidentiality Agreement |
06/10/2019 |
Confidentiality agreement signed by Jennifer Dolen and Patrick Horne on behalf of Public Counsel from Chandra Mak. (via web portal)
Document |
06/03/2019 |
Transcript Verification; Date: 05-24-19; Time: 1:32-2:19 pm; Pages: 22; Expedited: Yes. (via email)
Transcript |
05/24/2019 |
Transcript; Volume 6; May 24, 2019; Pages 624-645. (via email) (Hard copy rec'd 06/04/2019)
Order - Prehearing Conference |
05/29/2019 |
Order 07 Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Evidentiary Hearing Set for October 30, 2019, at 9:30 a.m.)
Confidentiality Agreement |
05/22/2019 |
Confidentiality agreement signed by William Mozingo on behalf of Public Counsel from Chandra Mak. (via web portal) (Hard Copies Rec'd 05/23/2019)
Notice of Hearing |
05/09/2019 |
Notice Rescheduling Prehearing Conference (Now scheduled for Friday, May 24, 2019, at 1:30 p.m.)
Notice of Hearing |
04/19/2019 |
Notice of Prehearing Conference (Scheduled for Friday, May 17, 2019, at 1:30 p.m.)
Order - Other |
04/17/2019 |
Remand Order from Superior Court, and Decision of the Court of Appeals, Division II, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Notice |
09/24/2018 |
Notice of Appearance and Substitution of Counsel, on behalf of The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jess Gorsuch. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement |
07/06/2017 |
Confidentiality Agreement Signed by Kathi Scanlan, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco.
Confidentiality Agreement |
05/12/2016 |
Confidentiality agreement signed by Melissa Cheesman on behalf of Commission Staff from Krista L. Gross
Confidentiality Agreement |
05/05/2016 |
Confidentiality agreement signed by Amy White from Krista L. Gross.
Document |
04/18/2016 |
Letter to Thurston County Superior Court, Clerk; Letter to Lisa W. Gafken, Public Counsel and David J. Meyer, Avista Corporation, RE: Filing of court record in Thurston County Superior Court, Cause No. 16-2-01108-34.
Letter |
04/15/2016 |
Letter to Mr. Steven King RE: Removal of former staff, Lea Fisher from distribution lists on this docket, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken.(removed from Dynamix)(via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 04/18/16)
Letter |
04/07/2016 |
Errata Correcting Order 05
Confidentiality Agreement |
03/23/2016 |
Confidentiality agreement signed by Elizabeth O'Connell on behalf of Commission Staff from Krista Gross
Petition |
03/18/2016 |
Public Counsel's Petition for Judicial Review, from Lisa W. Gafken. (scanned & posted)
Letter |
03/07/2016 |
Second Errata Correcting Order 06.
Letter |
02/29/2016 |
Errata Correcting Order 06.
Order - Other |
02/19/2016 |
Order 06, Order Denying Joint Motion For Clarification, Denying Petition For Reconsideration, and Denying Motion to Reopen the Record.
Exhibit |
02/16/2016 |
Bench Request Exhibits 1 - 22, Exhibits SLM-1T - SLM-4, MTT-1T - MTT-5C, KON-1T - KON-8, AMM-1T - AMM-13, EMA-1T - EMA-15, DFK-1T - DFK-14, SJK-1T - SJK-4C, CGK-1T, CGK-2C, WGJ-1T - WGJ-5, JM-1T, JM-2, BAC-1T, BAC-2, JMK-1T - JMK-14, LDL-1T - LDL-16, GDF-1T, KKS-1T - KKS-12, JSS-1T - JSS-8, TLK-1T, TLK-2, TLK-3, JDM-1T, JDM-2, JDM-3, PDE-1T - PDE-13, DN-1T, JMW-1T, JMW-2, DR-1, CSH-1T - CSH-9T, BTC-1T, JLB-1T - JLB-6C, CRM-1T - CRM-6, DCG-1CT - DCG-33, BRA-1T - BRA-22, SMC-1T - SMC-5, DMR-1CT - DMR-26T, BGM-1CT - BGM-6, and MPG-1T - MPG-3 admitted.
Response |
02/09/2016 |
Joint Response to Staff's Motion to Reopen Record, on behalf of Public Counsel and Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (ICNU), from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 02/10/16)
Response |
02/09/2016 |
Response to Staff's Motion to Reopen the Record, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from David Meyer. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 02/10/16)
Notice |
02/05/2016 |
Notice of Opportunity to Respond to Staff's Motion to Reopen the Record For the Limited Purpose of Receiving into Evidence Instruction on Use and Application of Staff's Attrition Model (Responses Due by 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 9, 2016)
Motion |
02/04/2016 |
Commission Staff's Motion to Reopen Record for the Limited Purpose of Receiving into Evidence Instruction on Use and Application of Staff's Attrition Model from Patrick J. Oshie
Response |
01/28/2016 |
.pdf versions of attachments to Commission Staff responses to Bench Request Nos. 19 and 20 (filed January 26, 2016), from Patrick J. Oshie
Response |
01/28/2016 |
Reply to Staff's Responses to Bench Requests 19 and 20, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from David Meyer. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 01/29/2016)
Motion |
01/28/2016 |
Motion/Petition For A Waiver of Rules to Allow For An Answer to ICNU And Public Counsel's Motion for Clarification, and Commission Staff's Motion to Reconsider., on behalf of Avista Corporation, from David Meyer. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 01/29/16)
Response |
01/28/2016 |
Joint Parties' Replies to Staff Responses to Bench Request Nos. 19 and 20, on behalf of Joint Parties, from Jesse O. Gorsuch. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 01/29/2016)
Response |
01/26/2016 |
Commission Staff responses to Bench Request Nos. 19 and 20 from Patrick J. Oshie
Notice |
01/22/2016 |
Notice of Bench Requests and Notice of Order Conference (Responses to Bench Requests due January 26, 2016); (Replies to Responses to Bench Requests due January 28, 2016); and (Order Conference set for Wednesday, February 3, 2016)
Confidentiality Agreement |
01/21/2016 |
Confidentiality agreement signed by David Panco on behalf of Commission Staff from Krista L. Gross
Motion |
01/19/2016 |
Commission Staff Motion to Reconsider from Patrick J. Oshie
Motion |
01/19/2016 |
Motion for Clarification on behalf of the Industrial customers of Northwest Utilities and Public Counsel from Jesse O. Gorsuch. (via email)
Email |
01/07/2016 |
Email reply from Marguerite Friedlander to Ron Roseman, et al. RE: Teleconference on January 06, 2016. (via email)
Email |
01/07/2016 |
Email reply from Ron Roseman to Marguerite Friedlander, et al. RE: Teleconference on January 06, 2016. (via email)
Email |
01/06/2016 |
Email from Marguerite Friedlander to Carol Baker, et al. RE: Teleconference on January 06, 2016. (via email)
Letter |
01/11/2016 |
Steven V. King letter to all parties, RE: Compliance filing.
Compliance |
01/07/2016 |
Compliance filing regarding revisions to Tariff No.'s WN U-28 & WN U-29, reflecting a reduction in electric base revenue of $8.1 million and an increase in natural gas base revenue of $10.8 million, as approved by the Commission. (via email) (hardcopy rec'd 1/8/16)
Order - Final |
01/06/2016 |
Order 05, Final Order Rejecting Tariff Filing, Accepting Partial Settlement Stipulation, Authorizing Tariff Filings
Confidentiality Agreement |
12/23/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreement of Kym Bostelle on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch for Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 12/23/15)
Response |
12/08/2015 |
Response to Staff's Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Argument on Brief on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Chad M. Stokes. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 12/09/15)
Order - Other |
12/08/2015 |
Order 04 - Order Denying Staff's Motion for Leave to file Supplemental Argument on Brief
Brief |
12/07/2015 |
Redacted corrected Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Motion |
12/04/2015 |
Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Argument on Brief, and Supplemental Argument on Brief, on behalf of Staff, from Sally Brown
Notice |
12/01/2015 |
Change to Master Service List on behalf of Industrial Customer of Northwest Utilities from Jesse O. Gorsuch. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 12/02/2015)
Document |
11/13/2015 |
Updated Joint Issues List on behalf of Avista Corporation, from David J. Meyer. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 11/16/15)
Confidentiality Agreement |
11/17/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Sally Brown, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco.
Response |
11/16/2015 |
Commission Staff Reply to Avista Response to Bench Request No. 18 from Patrick J. Oshie.
Document |
11/13/2015 |
Response to Bench Request No. 18, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Liz Andrews. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 11/16/15)
Notice |
11/10/2015 |
Notice of Bench Request (Responses due by 3:00 p.m., Friday, November 13, 2015) (Replies to responses due by 3:00 p.m., Monday, November 16, 2015)
Brief |
11/04/2015 |
Post-hearing Brief on behalf of Avista Corporation, from David J. Meyer. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 11/5/15)
Brief |
11/04/2015 |
Post-hearing Brief on behalf of The Energy Project, from Ronald L. Roseman. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 11/5/15)
Brief |
11/04/2015 |
Post-Hearing Brief on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Chad M. Stokes. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 11/5/15)
Brief |
11/04/2015 |
Redacted Post-hearing Brief on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, from Jesse O. Gorsuch. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 11/5/15)
Brief |
11/04/2015 |
Public Counsel's Brief from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 11/5/15)
Brief |
11/04/2015 |
Redacted Brief on behalf of Commission Staff from Patrick J. Oshie
Response |
10/29/2015 |
Response to Bench Requests Nos. 16 and 17 on behalf of Avista Corporation from Liz Andrews. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 10-30-15)
Compliance |
10/29/2015 |
Power supply update on behalf of Avista Corporation from Liz Andrews. (via email)(hardcopy rec'd 10-30-15)
Notice |
10/27/2015 |
Notice of Bench Request (Responses due by 3:00 p.m., Thursday, October 29, 2015) (Replies to Responses due by 3:00 p.m., Monday, November 2, 2015)
Response |
10/26/2015 |
Response to Bench Request Nos. 13 and 15 on behalf of Avista Corporation from Liz Andrews. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 10-27-15)
Response |
10/26/2015 |
Staff response to Bench Request No. 14 from Patrick J. Oshie.
Letter |
10/22/2015 |
Letter on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Chad M. Stokes RE: new address for Ed Finklea of 545 Grandview Drive, Ashland, OR 97520. (via email)(hardcopy rec'd 10-23-15)
Notice |
10/22/2015 |
Notice of Bench Request (Responses due by 3:00 p.m., Monday, October 26, 2015) (Replies to responses due by 3:00 p.m., Thursday, October 29, 2015)
Transcript |
10/06/2015 |
Transcript; Volume 5; October 6, 2015; Pages 358-623.
Transcript |
10/05/2015 |
Redacted version of Transcript; Volume 4; October 5, 2015; Pages 46-357.
Transcript |
09/25/2015 |
Transcript; Volume 3; September 16, 2015; Pages 24-45.
Response |
10/20/2015 |
Redacted Responses to Bench Request Nos. 8 and 9, on behalf of Staff, from Patrick J. Oshie.
Response |
10/20/2015 |
Response to Bench Request Nos. 10-12 on behalf of Avista Corporation from Liz Andrews. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 10-21-15)
Comment |
10/19/2015 |
Offer of Public Comment Exhibit on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 10-20-15)(CD available in Records Center)
Transcript |
10/02/2015 |
Transcript; Volume 2; September 15, 2015; Pages 17-23.
Document |
10/13/2015 |
Revised Testimony and Exhibit Nos. CRM-2 and CRM-3 of Christopher McGuire, on behalf of Staff, from Patrick J. Oshie.
Notice |
10/13/2015 |
Notice of Bench Request (Due by Tuesday, October 20, 2015).
Document |
10/13/2015 |
Revised Exhibit Nos. CSH-2 and CSH-3 of Christopher Hancock, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Response |
10/12/2015 |
Response to Bench Requests Nos. 4-7, Public Counsel Cross Exhibit No. LDL-8, and an errata page for the Rebuttal Testimony of Elizabeth M. Andrews, on behalf of Avista Corporation from David Meyer. (scanned & posted)
Document |
10/06/2015 |
Exhibit No. JMK-14-CX, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Letter |
10/02/2015 |
Letter re: substitution of staff, on behalf of Staff, from Patrick J. Oshie.
Document |
10/02/2015 |
Redacted Revised Direct Testimony of Donna M. Ramas (Confidential Exhibit No. DMR-1CT) and Revised Exhibit No. DMR-3, on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 10-5-15)
Document |
10/01/2015 |
Revised cross exhibit 2 on behalf of The Energy Project from Ronald L. Roseman. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 10/02/2015)
Letter |
09/30/2015 |
Letter to Steven V. King on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Tommy A. Brooks RE: no additional cross examination exhibits. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 10/01/2015)
Document |
09/30/2015 |
Proposed cross-examination exhibits on behalf of Avista Corporation from David J. Meyer. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 10/01/2015)
Document |
09/30/2015 |
Commission Staff Cross Exhibits from Patrick J. Oshie.
Document |
09/30/2015 |
Cross exhibits 1-3 on behalf of The Energy Project from Ronald L. Roseman. (via email)(hardcopy rec'd 10-1-15)
Document |
09/30/2015 |
Proposed cross-examination exhibits on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 10/01/2015)
Document |
09/30/2015 |
Redacted Cross-Examination Exhibts on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Jesse O. Gorsuch. (via email)
Document |
09/30/2015 |
Exhibit List on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Jesse O. Gorsuch. (via email)
Letter |
09/28/2015 |
Letter to Commissioners from Philip A. Duggan. (scanned & posted)
Document |
09/25/2015 |
Response to Bench Request No. 3, on behalf of Avista Corporation from David Meyer. (scanned & posted)
Response |
09/24/2015 |
Staff Response to Bench Request No. 2 from Patrick J. Oshie.
Notice |
09/17/2015 |
Notice of Bench Request (Due by Thursday, September 24, 2015, at 3:00 p.m.)
Notice |
09/17/2015 |
Notice of Bench Request (Due by Thursday, September 24, 2015, at 3:00 p.m.)
Document |
09/14/2015 |
Updated Joint Issues List, on behalf of Avista Corporation from David J. Meyer. (via email) (hard copy received 09/15/2015)
Testimony |
09/11/2015 |
Errata pages for the Cross-Answering Testimony of Bradley G. Mullins on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Jesse Gorsuch. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 09/14/2015)
Testimony |
09/04/2015 |
Non-Confidential and Redacted Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits on behalf of Avista Corporation from David J. Meyer. (via email)(hardcopy rec'd 9-8-15)(disk available)
Testimony |
09/04/2015 |
Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibit of Bradley G. Mullins on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Jesse Gorsuch. (via email)(hardcopy rec'd 9-8-15)
Testimony |
09/04/2015 |
Cross-Answering Testimony of Christopher S. Hancock, on behalf of Staff, from Patrick J. Oshie.
Testimony |
09/04/2015 |
Cross-Answering Testimony of Donna M. Ramas on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 09/08/2015)
Notice of Hearing |
09/01/2015 |
Notice of Public Comment Hearings (Set for Tuesday, September 15, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. - Spokane; and Wednesday, September 16, 2015, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) - Spokane Valley).
Exhibit |
08/31/2015 |
Staff Supplementa/Revised Exhibits for Christopher Hancock from Patrick J. Oshie.
Response |
08/31/2015 |
Staff Response to Bench Request No. 1 from Patrick J. Oshie.
Notice |
08/25/2015 |
Notice of Bench Request. (Due by Monday, August 31, 2015)
Exhibit |
08/24/2015 |
Commission Staff Errata to Exibit CSH-2 from Patrick J. Oshie.
Document |
08/20/2015 |
Joint Issues List on behalf of Avista Corporation from Pat Ehrbar. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 08/21/2015)
Testimony |
08/05/2015 |
Revised Redacted Exhibit DCG-5C, Revised Redacted Exhibit DCG-16C and Revised Exhibit DCG-20, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Letter |
07/29/2015 |
Letter regarding excerpts, on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Testimony |
07/27/2015 |
Redacted Commission Staff Testimony and Exhibits of Jason Ball, Bradley Cebulko, David Gomez, Christopher Hancock, Chris McGuire, David Nightingale and Juliana Williams from Patrick J. Oshie.
Testimony |
07/27/2015 |
Response Testimony of Michael P. Gorman on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Chad M. Stokes. (via email)(hardcopy rec'd 7-28-15)
Testimony |
07/27/2015 |
Redacted Response Testimony and Exhibits of Bradley G. Mullins on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, from Jesse O. Gorsuch. (via email)(hardcopy rec'd 7-28-15)
Testimony |
07/27/2015 |
Joint Testimony and Exhibits of Shawn M. Collins and Stefanie A. Johnson, on behalf of The Energy Project and Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 7-28-15)
Testimony |
07/27/2015 |
Redacted Testimony and Exhibits of Barbara R. Alexander on behalf of The Energy Project and Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)
Testimony |
07/27/2015 |
Redacted Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Donna M. Ramas on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 7-28-15)
Testimony |
07/24/2015 |
Joint Testimony in support of the Multiparty Settlement Stipulation on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Kelly Norwood. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 07/27/2015)
Letter |
07/09/2015 |
Letter to ALJ Friedlander from parties re postponement of settlement conference signed by Patrick J. Oshie.
Confidentiality Agreement |
06/09/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreement of Barbara Alexander on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa W. Gafken. (hard copy rec'd 06/10/2015)
Notice |
05/29/2015 |
Customer Notice on behalf of Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities from Patrick Ehrbar. (via email)
07/06/2020 |
Letter |
05/04/2015 |
Letter to Steven King, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Simon ffitch for Lisa Gafken RE: Update on customer comment notice. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 5-5-15)
Stipulation |
05/01/2015 |
Joint Motion for an Order Approving Multiparty Settlement Stipulation on behalf of Avista Corporation, from David J. Meyer. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 05/04/2015)
Confidentiality Agreement |
04/22/2015 |
Confidential Information Agreement, Exhibit B, of Donna Ramas, on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 4-22-15)
Confidentiality Agreement |
04/14/2015 |
Confidential Information Agreement, Exhibit B, of Glenn A. Watkins, on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 4-15-15)
Transcript |
03/19/2015 |
Transcript; Volume 1; March 12, 2015; Pages: 1-16.
Document |
04/10/2015 |
Comments Matrix, on behalf of the Parties, from Brett P. Shearer.
Notice |
04/09/2015 |
Notice of Ex Parte Communications.
Confidentiality Agreement |
04/01/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jason Ball on behalf of Commission Staff from Krista Gross.
Order - Prehearing Conference |
03/16/2015 |
Order 03 - Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Set for October 5-8, 2015.)
Confidentiality Agreement |
03/10/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreement for Edward A. Finklea on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users, from Chad M. Stokes. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 03/11/2015)
Confidentiality Agreement |
03/05/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreements for Chad M. Stokes and Tommy A. Brooks on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users, from Chad M. Stokes. (via email)
Notice |
03/05/2015 |
Notice of Appearance of Ronald Roseman on behalf of The Energy Project, from Ronald Roseman. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 03/06/2015)
Petition |
03/05/2015 |
Petition to Intervene on behalf of The Energy Project, from Ronald Roseman. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 03/06/2015)
UE-150204 TEP_Petition to intervene AVISTA GRC March 5,2015.docx
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UE-150204 TEP_Avista GRC 2015 cover letter, Notice,of appearance, petition to intervene, confidental information.doc
53 KB
UE-150204 TEP_Avista GRC 2015 cover letter, Notice,of appearance, petition to intervene, confidental information.pdf
74 KB
UE-150204 TEP_Petition to intervene AVISTA GRC March 5,2015.pdf
86 KB
Confidentiality Agreement |
03/05/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreements for Chuck Eberdt, Shawn Collins, Michael Karp, and Ronald Roseman on behalf of The Energy Project, from Ronald Roseman. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 03/06/2015)
Confidentiality Agreement |
03/03/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreement for Lea Fisher on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken.. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 03/04/2015)
Confidentiality Agreement |
02/25/2015 |
Protective Order Signatory Page for Melinda J. Davison, Jesse E. Cowell, Bradley G. Mullins, Michael P. Gorman, Diane E. Berron, and Christopher C. Walters on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Hannah Adams. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 02/26/2015)
Confidentiality Agreement |
02/25/2015 |
Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, Patrick J. Oshie, Brett P. Shearer, Christopher M. Casey, Mark Vasconi, Chris McGuire, Juliana Williams, Betty Ann Erdahl, Jason Ball, Deborah Reynolds, Yuh-Shia Huang, Alan Buckley, David Gomez, Christopher Hancock, Jing Liu, Kristen Russell, David Nightingale, Bradley Cebulko, Thomas Schooley, and Tiffany Van Meter, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement |
02/23/2015 |
Protective Order signature pages for Simon J. ffitch, Lisa W. Gafken, Mary Kimball, Stefanie Johnson, Carol Baker, and Chanda Mak, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 02/24/2015)
Notice of Hearing |
02/23/2015 |
Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for March 12, 2015, at 1:30 p.m.).
Order - Protective |
02/20/2015 |
Order 02, Protective Order.
Consolidation Order |
02/20/2015 |
Order 01, Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions and Order of Consolidation.
Notice |
02/19/2015 |
Notice of Appearance of Chad M. Stokes and Tommy A. Brooks on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Chad M. Stokes. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 02/20/2015)
Petition |
02/19/2015 |
Petition to Intervene on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Chad M. Stokes. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 02/20/2015)
Replacement Page |
02/19/2015 |
Substitute McKenzie Exhibit AMM-4 of Adrien M. McKenzie on behalf of Avista Corporation, from David Meyer. (scanned & posted) (CD available)
Notice |
02/12/2015 |
Notice of Appearance on behalf of Public Counsel from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 2-13-15)
Notice |
02/11/2015 |
Notice of Appearance on Behalf of Commission Staff from Patrick J. Oshie.
Petition |
02/10/2015 |
Petition to Intervene of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, from Hannah A. Adams. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 02/11/2015)
Notice |
02/10/2015 |
Notice of Appearance on behalf of Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Hannah Adams. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 02/11/2015)
Testimony |
02/09/2015 |
Testimony and exhibits on behalf of Avista Corporation from David Meyer. (disk available) (hard copy rec'd 02/11/2015) (hard copy of Tara Knox testimony rec'd 02/13/2015)
Motion |
02/09/2015 |
Motion for Protective Order on behalf of Avista Corporation from David Meyer. (disk available)
Initial Filing |
02/09/2015 |
Initial filing on behalf of Avista Corporation from David Meyer. (disk available)