Summary |
Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 133, Sale of Asset Tracker, to refund $7.1 million from the sale of assets to Public Utility District #1 of Jefferson County (Jefferson PUD). The rates are in effect for the month of May 2015 and will result... Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 133, Sale of Asset Tracker, to refund $7.1 million from the sale of assets to Public Utility District #1 of Jefferson County. The rates are in effect for the month of May 2015 and will result in a decrease for the average residential customer's bill of $6.08 or 6.5 percent. In the Commission’s Order 05 in Docket UE-132027, proceeds totaling $59.2 million were to be returned to ratepayers during December of 2014 based upon their individual usage. Due to temperatures being warmer than forecasted in December 2014, $7.1 million of the balance remains. |