UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UW - 150742


Filter by document type: All | Application | Document | Initial Filing | Order - Final
Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 09/10/2015 Order 01 Order Granting Application for Sale and Transfer of Assets; Adopting Tariff.
Application 07/29/2015 Joint Application of Kalama Water LLC (Kalama or company) and Green Mountain H2O (Green Mountain) for Sale and Transfer of Assets and Tariff Adoption, from Robert Tershel. (via fax)
Document 07/22/2015 Documents regarding request to transfer to Kalama Water LLC on behalf of Green Mountain H2O, from Robert Tershel (tariff adoption notice, copy of bill of sale, joint application, asset listing, and copy of customer notification email). (scanned & posted) (signed hard copy to arrive via US Mail)
Initial Filing 05/06/2015 Initial filing on behalf of Green Mountain H2O, LLC, from Daniel Class. (scanned & posted)