UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 150826


Filter by document type: All | Document | Letter | Order - Other | Penalty Assessment
Document Type Date Description
Letter 08/12/2015 Gregory J. Kopta letter to Torrie Hughes, RE: delegated order appeal process.
Letter 07/27/2015 Letter to Administrative Law Judge on behalf of IPDatastream, LLC, from Torrie Hughes RE: Payment enclosed. (scanned & posted)
Letter 07/06/2015 Letter to Steve King on behalf of IPDatastream, LLC, from Torrie Hughes,in response to Sondra Walsh's letter of June 17, 2015, RE; penalty assessment. (scanned & posted)
Letter 06/17/2015 Letter to Steven V. King from Sondra Walsh, on behalf of staff, RE: Mitigation Recommendation.