Document Type | Date | Description |
Transcript | 12/01/2015 | Revised Transcript; Volume 1; November 9, 2015; Pages 1-29. (hard copy received 12/07/15) |
Transcript | 11/20/2015 | Transcript; Volume 1; November 9, 2015; Pages 1-28. (Due to technical issues, Buell will send PDF transcripts at a later date.) |
Order - Initial | 11/12/2015 | Order 01 - Initial Order dismissing complaint against certain companies and revoking registrations of remaining companies for failure to file annual reports and pay regulatory fees. |
Document | 11/06/2015 | Exhibit List and Exhibits AA-1 through AA-6, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Notice | 10/06/2015 | Notice of Appearance of Andrew J. O'Connell, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco. |
Order - Complaint | 10/05/2015 | Complaint for Revocation of Registration For Failure to Pay Regulatory Fees and Failure to File Annual Report; and Notice of Hearing (Set for November 9, 2015, at 10:00 a.m.).