Order - Final |
11/16/2016 |
Order 06, Final Order Rejecting Tariff
Motion |
10/14/2016 |
Motion to Strike, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(Hard Copies rec'd 10/17/16)
Letter |
10/12/2016 |
Commission Staff Letter re PSE Tariff Language from Sally Brown and Christopher M. Casey
Brief |
09/20/2016 |
REDACTED Reply Brief on Behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher M. Casey.
Brief |
09/19/2016 |
Reply Brief of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 9-20-16)
Brief |
09/19/2016 |
Reply Brief of Public Counsel from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 9-20-16)
Brief |
09/19/2016 |
Post-Hearing Reply Brief of Washington State Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors Association, from James L. King, Jr.
Brief |
09/19/2016 |
Redacted Post-Hearing Reply Brien on behalf of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Western Washington (SMACNA-WW) Initial Post-Hearing Brief of Intervenor, from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 9-20-16)
Brief |
08/30/2016 |
Initial Brief, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 08/31/16)
Brief |
08/30/2016 |
Initial Brief on Behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher M. Casey and Jeff Roberson.
Brief |
08/30/2016 |
Redacted Initial Post-Hearing Brief on behalf of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning contractors National Association, Western Washington (SMACNA-WW) from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email)(hard copies rec'd 08/30/16)
Brief |
08/30/2016 |
Post Hearing Brief, on behalf of Washington State Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (WSHVACCA), from James L. King, Jr. (via email)(hard copies rec'd 08/30/16)
Brief |
08/30/2016 |
Redacted Brief, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 08/31/16)
Notice |
08/22/2016 |
Notice of Revised Briefing Schedule
Motion |
08/22/2016 |
Agreed Motion of Extension of Time on behalf of Public Counsel, from Chanda Mak. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 8/23/16)
Notice |
08/18/2016 |
Notice of Procedure to Prevent Conflict of Interest and/or Appearance of Impropriety
Order - Other |
08/17/2016 |
Order 05, Order on Evidentiary Issues
Email |
08/03/2016 |
Transcript Verification; Date: 8/3/16; Time: 9:04 a.m. to 3:27 p.m.; Pages 209; Expedited: No. (Billed 8/23/16)
Email |
08/01/2016 |
Transcript Verification; Date: 8/1/16; Time: 8:56 a.m. to 5:10 p.m.; Pages: 246; Expedited: No. (Billed 8/23/16)
Document |
08/16/2016 |
Response to Joint Objection to Puget Sound Energy's Response to Bench Request and Motion To Strike on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 8/17/16)
Document |
08/15/2016 |
Response to Puget Sound Energy's response to Request No.1 and Motion to Strike on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal)
Transcript |
08/03/2016 |
Transcript; Volume 4; August 3, 2016; Pages 317-525. (hard copy rec'd 8-22-16)
Transcript |
08/03/2016 |
Transcript; Volume 3; August 1, 2015; Pages 71-316. (hard copy rec'd 8-22-16)
Document |
08/11/2016 |
Response to PSE’s Bench Request #2 on behalf of WSHVACCA, from James L. King. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 8/11/16)
Response |
08/10/2016 |
Staff Response to PSE Response to Bench Request 1 from Sally Brown
Document |
08/09/2016 |
Response to Bench Request Nos. 1 and 2 and Certificate of Service on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 8/11/16)
Document |
08/08/2016 |
Offer of Public Comment Exhibit No. PC-1, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 08/09/16)
Document |
08/04/2016 |
Cross examination exhibits for Malcolm McCulloch, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement |
08/02/2016 |
Confidential Information Agreement, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken, signed by Carla Colamonici. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 08/03/16)
Motion |
07/29/2016 |
Motion for Leave to File a Reply to Public Counsel's Response and a proposed reply to Public Counsel's Response, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 08/01/16)
Testimony |
07/28/2016 |
Redacted revised Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Liz Y. Norton, Malcom B. McCulloch, Eric E. Englert, Matthew R. Marcelia, Dr. Ahmad Faruqui, and Andrew J. Wigen, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 07/29/16)
Motion |
07/27/2016 |
Motion for leave to file a reply to the Sheet and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Western Washington's response in support of Commission Staff's Motion for Summary Determination, from Puget Sound Energy. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 7/28/16)
Document |
07/27/2016 |
Redacted Cross Examination Exhibits for Dr. Ahmad Faruqui, Malcolm B. McCulloch, Eric E. Englert, and Matthew R. Marcelia, on behalf of SMACNA, from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 7/27/16)
Document |
07/26/2016 |
Redacted Cross Examination Exhibits from Malcolm B. McCulloch, Liz Y. Norton, Eric E. Engleert, and Matthew R. Marcelia, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 7/27/16)
Document |
07/27/2016 |
Commission Staff Cross Examination Exhibits from Christopher M. Casey
Document |
07/26/2016 |
Cross-Examination Exhibit List, Witness Order, Time Estimates, and Certificate of Service on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 7/27/16)
Comment |
07/26/2016 |
Email regarding PSE Appliance Leasing, on behalf of Independent Business Association, from Gary Smith. (via email)
Document |
07/26/2016 |
Cross-Examination Exhibit List on behalf of Washington State Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (WSHVACCA), from James L. King Jr. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 7/26/16)
Response |
07/22/2016 |
Puget Sound's Opposition to Staff's Motion for Summary Determination, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 07/25/16)
Response |
07/22/2016 |
Public Counsel's Response in Support of Commission Staff's Motion for Summary Determination, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa W. Gafken. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 07/25/16)
Response |
07/21/2016 |
Response in Support of Staff's Motion for Summary Determination, on behalf of Washington State Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors Association, from James L. King. (via email)(hard copies rec'd 07/21/16)
Response |
07/20/2016 |
Response in Support of Staff's Motion for Summary Determination, on behalf of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Western Washington (SMACNA-WW), from Jeffry D. Goltz. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 07/20/16)
Notice |
07/19/2016 |
Notice of Withdrawal of Simon J. ffitch as counsel of record, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Simon J. ffitch. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 07/20/16)
Confidentiality Agreement |
07/18/2016 |
Confidential and Highly Confidential Agreements signed by Jeff Roberson, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
Document |
07/14/2016 |
Certificate of Service and Opposition to Commission Staff's Motion for an Exemption to the Rule Establishing Timing for Motions for Summary Determination on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 7/15/16)
Notice |
07/14/2016 |
Notice of Deadline to Respond to Staff Motion for Summary Determination (Responses Due by Friday, July 22, 2016)
Motion |
07/13/2016 |
Commission Staff Motion for Summary Determination from Sally Brown and Christopher M. Casey
Testimony |
07/01/2016 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Liz Y. Norton, Malcom B. McCulloch, Eric E. Englert, Matthew R. Marcelia, Dr. Ahmad Faruqui, and Andrew J. Wigen, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 7/5/16)
Confidentiality Agreement |
06/29/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreement for Garrett Cook on behalf of Public Counsel, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 6/30/16)
Confidentiality Agreement |
06/17/2016 |
Confidential and Highly Confidential Agreements signed by Julian Beattie, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
Workpapers |
06/08/2016 |
Redacted Workpapers supporting the Direct Testimony of Mary M. Kimball (MMK-1HCT), on behalf of Public Counsel, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 6/9/16)(posted per Judge Kopta)
Confidentiality Agreement |
06/09/2016 |
Highly Confidential Agreements signed by Tom Schooley, Chris McGuire and Melissa Cheesman, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
Transcript |
06/09/2016 |
Transcript; Volume 2; June 1, 2016; Pages 48-70. (hard copy rec'd 6-13-16). (Billed 6/21/16)
Testimony |
06/07/2016 |
Redacted Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Mary Kimball, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 6/8/2016)
Testimony |
06/07/2016 |
Testimony and Exhibits of Julie Muller-Neff, Brian Fluetsch and John van den Heuvel, on behalf of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association - Western Washington Chapter (SMACNA-WW), from Jeffrey Goltz. (via email)(hard copies rec'd 06/07/16)
Testimony |
06/07/2016 |
Redacted Testimony and Exhibits of Bradley Cebulko, Elizabeth O'Connell and Andrew Roberts, on behalf of Staff, from Christopher M. Casey.
Testimony |
06/07/2016 |
Prefiled Response Testimony and Exhibits of Steven J. Krecker and William E. Pinkey, on behalf of Washington State Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors Association, from James L. King, Jr.
Confidentiality Agreement |
06/06/2016 |
Confidentiality agreement signed by Chris McGuire on behalf of Commission Staff from Krista L. Gross.
Email |
06/03/2016 |
Transcript Verification; Date: 6/1/16; Time: 2:00 to 2:26 p.m.; Pages: 24 (estimate); Expedited: No.
Email |
06/02/2016 |
Email chain between Greg Kopta (UTC), Jim King (WSHVACCA) and David Steele (Perkins Coie), RE: PSE Motion to Compel WSHVACCA. (via email)
Email |
06/02/2016 |
Email chain between Greg Kopta (UTC) and David Steele (Perkins Coie), RE: PSE Motion to Compel WSHVACCA. (via email)
Response |
05/31/2016 |
Response to Puget Sound Energy's Motion to Compel Washington State Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (WSHVACCA) to Respond to Puget Sound Energy's Data Requests, on behalf of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Western Washington (SMACNA-WW), from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 05/31/16)
Confidentiality Agreement |
06/01/2016 |
Confidentiality agreement and highly confidential agreement signed by Patrick J. Oshie on behalf of Commission Staff from Krista L. Gross.
Response |
05/31/2016 |
Washington State Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors Association's Response to Puget Sound Energy's Motion to Compel the Washington State Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditional Contractors Association to Respond to Data Requests and Declaration of James L. King, Jr., in Support of the Washington State Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Contractors Association's Response to Puget Sound Energy's Motion to Compel the Washington State Hearing, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Contractors Association to Respond to Data Requests from James L. King, Jr.
Notice of Hearing |
05/27/2016 |
Notice of Deadline to Respond to Puget Sound Energy's Motion to Compel (Responses due by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 31, 2016); Notice of Hearing (Set for Wednesday, June 1, 2016, at 2:00 p.m.)
Motion |
05/26/2016 |
Puget Sound Energy Motion to Compel the Washington State Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Contractors Associaton to Respond to Data Requests, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 5/27/16)
Confidentiality Agreement |
05/20/2016 |
Highly Confidential Agreement of David Steele, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 05/23/2016)
Confidentiality Agreement |
05/11/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreements of Sheree Strom Carson and David Steele, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Strom Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 5/12/16)
Notice of Hearing |
05/04/2016 |
Notice of Revised Procedural Schedule, Notice of Hearing (Set for Monday, August 1, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.)
Letter |
05/03/2016 |
Letter RE: agreement to extend tariff suspension date to November 16, 2016, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 05/04/16)
Confidentiality Agreement |
05/02/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Melissa Cheesman, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
Motion |
04/27/2016 |
Joint Motion Requesting the Commissioners Hear and Decide Case, on behalf of the Parties, from Sally Brown
Testimony |
04/25/2016 |
Corrections to pre-filed Direct Testimony and Exhibits originally filed on February 25, of Malcom B. McCulloch, Eric E. Englert, and Dr. Ahmad Faruqui, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement |
04/20/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Susie Paul, on behalf of Staff, from Christopher M. Casey
Confidentiality Agreement |
03/15/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jennifer Snyder and Andrew Roberts, on behalf of Staff, from Christopher M. Casey
Confidentiality Agreement |
03/15/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jennifer Snyder and Andrew Roberts, on behalf of Staff, from Christopher M. Casey
Testimony |
02/25/2016 |
Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Jason E. Teller, Malcom B. McCulloch, Eric E. Englert, and Dr. Ahmad Faruqui, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (rec'd hardcopy 2-26-16)
Order - Other |
02/24/2016 |
Order 04, Order Rejecting WSHVACCA Confidentiality Agreements.
Confidentiality Agreement |
02/23/2016 |
Highly Confidential Agreement of Jeffrey Goltz, on behalf of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA), from Jeffrey Goltz. (via email) (rec'd hardcopy 2-26-16)
Response |
02/22/2016 |
Response to Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) Motion Objecting to Expert Designations, on behalf of the Washington State Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (WSHVACCA), from James L. King. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 02/23/16)
Notice |
02/22/2016 |
Notice Granting Permission to Withdraw Confidentiality Agreements of Julie Muller-Neff and Brian Fluetsch.
Response |
02/19/2016 |
Response to Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) Objection to Confidential Designations filed by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, of Western Washington (SMACNA-WW), on behalf of SMACNA-WW, from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email)
Replacement Page |
02/17/2016 |
Replacement pages for Tariff No. WN U-60 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Ken Johnson. (via web portal)
Motion |
02/16/2016 |
Objections to Expert Designation of Steven J. Krecker and William E. Pinkey, and Motion Objecting to the Expert Designation of the Washington State Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Contractors Association (WSHVACCA), on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 02/17/2016)
Motion |
02/16/2016 |
Objections to the Expert Designation of Julie Muller-Neff and Brian Fluetsch, and Motion Objecting the Expert Designation of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Western Washington (SMACNA-WW), on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 02/17/16)
Confidentiality Agreement |
02/11/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreements of James L. King, Steven J. Krecker and William E. Pinkey on behalf of WSHV ACCA from James L. King. (via email) (rec'd hardcopy 2/16/16)
Notice |
02/05/2016 |
Notice of Appearance of Joseph A. Rehberger on behalf of (SMACNA-WW) from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email)
Confidentiality Agreement |
02/05/2016 |
*PARTIALLY WITHDRAWN-SEE NOTICE DATED FEBRUARY 22, 2016* Confidentiality Agreements of Attorneys Jeffrey D. Goltz and Joseph Rehberger and Expert Witnesses Julie Muller-Neff and Brian Fluetsch on behalf of (SMACNA-WW) from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email)
Letter |
01/25/2016 |
Letter of no objection for the confidentiality agreements of UTC staff on behalf of Cascadia Law Group from Jeffrey Goltz. (via email)
Confidentiality Agreement |
01/20/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Thomas Schooley, on behalf of Staff, from Christopher M. Casey
Notice |
01/14/2016 |
Notice of Withdrawal and Request for Change to Master Service List, on behalf of Sunrun, Inc., from Joseph Wiedman. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 01/19/2016)
Transcript |
01/13/2016 |
Transcript; Volume 1; January 5, 2016; Pages 1-47 (via email)(Hard copy received 1/15/16).
Confidentiality Agreement |
01/12/2016 |
Highly Confidential Agreements on behalf of Staff, signed by Christopher M. Casey, Sally Brown, Bradley Cebulko, Jason Ball, Deborah Reynolds, Mark Vasconi, Jeremy Twitchell, Elizabeth O'Connell and David Nightingale, from Christopher M. Casey.
Confidentiality Agreement |
01/12/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreements on behalf of Staff, signed by Christopher M. Casey, Sally Brown, Bradley Cebulko, Jason Ball, Deborah Reynolds, Mark Vasconi, Jeremy Twitchell, Elizabeth O'Connell and David Nightingale, from Christopher M. Casey
Confidentiality Agreement |
01/11/2016 |
Highly confidential agreements for Simon ffitch, Lisa Gafken, Mary Kimball, Lea Fisher, Stefanie Johnson, Chanda Mak and Kym Bostelle, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 01/12/16)
Confidentiality Agreement |
01/11/2016 |
Confidentiality agreements for Simon ffitch, Lisa Gafken, Mary Kimball, Lea Fisher, Stefanie Johnson, Chanda Mak and Kym Bostelle, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 01/12/16)
Order - Protective |
01/07/2016 |
Order 03, Protective Order With "Highly Confidential" Provisions.
Consolidation Order |
01/07/2016 |
Order 02, Prehearing Conference Order; Order of Consolidation; Notice of Hearing (Set for June 22-23, 2016)
Letter |
01/06/2016 |
Letter on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson, RE: agreement to extend tariff suspension date by one month, until October 17, 2016. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 01/07/16)
Response |
01/04/2016 |
Reply in Response to PSE Opposition to SMACNA's Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Western Washington (SMACNA-WW), from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 01/04/16)
Motion |
01/04/2016 |
Motion for Permission to File a Reply in Response to PSE Opposition to SMACNA's Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Western Washington (SMACNA-WW), from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 01/04/16)
Document |
01/04/2016 |
Notice of Appearance of Simon ffitch and Lisa Gafken, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 01/05/16)
Response |
12/31/2015 |
Response in Opposition to Washington State Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Contractors Association's Petition to Intervene on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 12/31/15)
Response |
12/31/2015 |
Response in Opposition to the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association, Western Washington's Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson.(via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 12/31/15)
Response |
12/31/2015 |
Response in Opposition to Sunrun, Inc.'s, Petition to Intervene on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hardcopy rec'd 12/31/15)
Petition |
12/29/2015 |
Petition to Intervene by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Western Washington, from Jeffrey D. Goltz. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 12/29/15)
Document |
12/22/2015 |
Notice of Appearance of David S. Steele, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy. (via web portal) (hard copy received 12-23-15)
Comment |
12/22/2015 |
Comments on behalf of UCONS, L.L.C., from Shani Taha. (via web portal)
Petition |
12/21/2015 |
Petition to Intervene on behalf of the Washington State Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Contractors Association, from James L. King, Jr. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 12/23/15)
07/25/2016 |
Document |
12/21/2015 |
Notice of Appearance of James L. King, Jr. on behalf of the Washington State Heating, Ventilation, and Air Condition Contractors Association., from James L. King. (via email)(hard copy rec'd 12/23/15)
Petition |
12/04/2015 |
Petition to Intervene by Joseph Wiedman on behalf of Sunrun, Inc. from Keyes, Fox & Wiedman, LLP.
Notice |
12/04/2015 |
Notice of Appearance of Joseph Wiedman on behalf of Sunrun, Inc. from Keyes, Fox & Wiedman, LLP.
Notice of Hearing |
12/02/2015 |
Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for January 5, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.)
Document |
12/01/2015 |
Notice of Appearance of Christopher M. Casey, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
Order - Suspension |
11/13/2015 |
Order 01 Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions.
Comment |
11/10/2015 |
Comments on behalf of Sunrun, Inc., from Blake Elder. (via web portal)
Comment |
11/10/2015 |
Comments on behalf of The Energy Project, from Shawn Collins. (via email)
Open Meeting Memo |
11/13/2015 |
Open Meeting Memo for the November 13, 2015, Open Meeting.
Comment |
11/09/2015 |
Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Mary M. Kimball. (via web portal)
Replacement Page |
11/06/2015 |
Substitute filing on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Ken Johnson. (via web portal)
Comment |
11/02/2015 |
Comments on behalf of Utility conservation Services, LLC, from Tom Eckhart. (via web portal)
Comment |
10/20/2015 |
Comment on behalf of Northwest Energy Efficiency Council from Stan Price. (via email forwarded from Consumer Comment Line)
Letter |
10/02/2015 |
Letter to Steven V. King on behalf of the Washington Chapter of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America and the Washington State Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Association from James L. King, Jr. RE: Opposition to proposals. (scanned & posted)
Initial Filing |
09/18/2015 |
Tariff revision on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Ken Johnson. (via web portal)