UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 152033


Filter by document type: All | Initial Filing | Order - Final | Petition
Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 11/10/2015 Order Granting Petition to Modify an Inter-Tie Between a Highway Signal and a Railroad Crossing Signal System at SR-241 in Yakima County
Petition 10/29/2015 Revised petition to install or modify an inter-tie between a highway signal and a railroad crossing signal - submitted by Ahmer Nizam for WSDOT
Initial Filing 10/26/2015 Petition to Install or Modify an Inter-tie Between a Highway Signal and a Railroad Crossing Signal System on State Route 241 at milepost 52.1 (near Waneta). (USDOT No. 098597U). (scanned & posted)