UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 152076

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-152076
Company Avista Corporation
Filing Type Staff Investigation
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Scanlan, Kathi (UTC)
Filed Date 10/30/2015
Effective Date N/A
Summary 2016-2017 Electric Biennial Conservation Report describing the company's achievement of 139,450 megawatt-hours of energy savings at a cost of $24.6 million over two years.

Event History

  • 08/09/2018 -- Close (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issued an Order in Docket UE-152076 finding that: 1) Avista Corporation has complied with reporting requirements pursuant to WAC 480-)
  • 08/09/2018 -- Open Meeting
  • 06/01/2018 -- Re-open
  • 07/27/2017 -- Close (Allowed to become effective per the No Action Agenda.)
  • 07/27/2017 -- Open Meeting
  • 07/14/2017 -- Re-open (Re-opened per email request of Kathy Scanlan.)
  • 05/31/2017 -- Close (Allowed to be effective per the No Action Agenda.)
  • 05/31/2017 -- Open Meeting
  • 01/26/2017 -- Continued (This item was removed verbally by Mark Vasconi, Director, Regulatory Services.)
  • 12/22/2016 -- Continued (Removed verbally from the meeting by Mark Vasconi, Director, Regulatory Services.)
  • 01/26/2017 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/22/2016 -- Open Meeting (NOTE: This item will be heard on Thursday, December 22, 2016, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., in the Commission's Hearing Room 206.)
  • 01/28/2016 -- Continued (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issue an order approving Avista’s 10-year electric conservation potential as 383,063 MWh and biennial target at 72,626 MWh. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0))
  • 01/28/2016 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/17/2015 -- Continued (This item was removed from the 12/17/2015 agenda.)
  • 12/17/2015 -- Open Meeting
  • 11/03/2015 -- Open